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2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
2013-06-15 11:09:02 +00:00
* This file is subject to the terms of the GFX License. If a copy of
2013-05-03 14:36:17 +00:00
* the license was not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at:
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
2013-07-21 20:20:37 +00:00
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
* @file src/gwin/gwin_slider.c
* @brief GWIN sub-system slider code
#include "../../gfx.h"
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
#if (GFX_USE_GWIN && GWIN_NEED_SLIDER) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
#include "gwin_class.h"
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
// Calculate the slider position from the display position
static int SliderCalcPosFromDPos(GSliderObject *gsw) {
int halfbit;
// Set the new position
if (gsw->w.g.width < gsw->w.g.height) {
if (gsw->dpos >= gsw->w.g.height-GWIN_SLIDER_DEAD_BAND)
return gsw->min;
if (gsw->dpos < GWIN_SLIDER_DEAD_BAND)
return gsw->max;
halfbit = gsw->w.g.height/2-GWIN_SLIDER_DEAD_BAND;
if (gsw->min > gsw->max)
halfbit = -halfbit;
return (((int)(gsw->w.g.height-(GWIN_SLIDER_DEAD_BAND+1)-gsw->dpos))*(gsw->max-gsw->min) + halfbit)/(gsw->w.g.height-(2*GWIN_SLIDER_DEAD_BAND+1)) + gsw->min;
if (gsw->dpos >= gsw->w.g.width-GWIN_SLIDER_DEAD_BAND)
return gsw->max;
if (gsw->dpos < GWIN_SLIDER_DEAD_BAND)
return gsw->min;
halfbit = gsw->w.g.width/2-GWIN_SLIDER_DEAD_BAND;
if (gsw->min > gsw->max)
halfbit = -halfbit;
return (((int)gsw->dpos-GWIN_SLIDER_DEAD_BAND)*(gsw->max-gsw->min) + halfbit)/(gsw->w.g.width-(2*GWIN_SLIDER_DEAD_BAND+1)) + gsw->min;
// Send the slider event
static void SendSliderEvent(GSliderObject *gsw, uint8_t action) {
GSourceListener * psl;
GEvent * pe;
#define pse ((GEventGWinSlider *)pe)
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
// Does this slider want more than just SET events?
if (action != GSLIDER_EVENT_SET && !(gsw->w.g.flags & GSLIDER_FLG_EXTENDED_EVENTS))
psl = 0;
while ((psl = geventGetSourceListener(GWIDGET_SOURCE, psl))) {
// Work out which action to send.
// This precedence order helps provide some protection against missed events.
// Saving it into srcflags works regardless of if a buffer is available.
if (psl->srcflags < action)
psl->srcflags = action;
// Skip sending if no buffer is available
if (!(pe = geventGetEventBuffer(psl)))
// Fill in the event
pse->gwin = (GHandle)gsw;
pse->action = psl->srcflags;
pse->tag = gsw->w.tag;
// If it is a cancel or set use the defined position else use the calculated position.
pse->position = pse->action >= GSLIDER_EVENT_CANCEL ? gsw->pos : SliderCalcPosFromDPos(gsw);
// Cleanup and send.
psl->srcflags = 0;
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
#undef pse
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
// Reset the display position back to the value predicted by the saved slider position
static void SliderResetDisplayPos(GSliderObject *gsw) {
if (gsw->w.g.width < gsw->w.g.height)
gsw->dpos = gsw->w.g.height-1-(gsw->w.g.height-1)*(gsw->pos-gsw->min)/(gsw->max-gsw->min);
gsw->dpos = (gsw->w.g.width-1)*(gsw->pos-gsw->min)/(gsw->max-gsw->min);
// Set the display position from the mouse position
2018-07-08 00:54:19 +00:00
static void SetDisplayPosFromMouse(GSliderObject *gsw, gCoord x, gCoord y) {
if (gsw->w.g.width < gsw->w.g.height)
gsw->dpos = y < 0 ? 0 : (y >= gsw->w.g.height ? gsw->w.g.height-1 : y);
gsw->dpos = x < 0 ? 0 : (x >= gsw->w.g.width ? gsw->w.g.width-1 : x);
// A mouse up event
2018-07-08 00:54:19 +00:00
static void SliderMouseUp(GWidgetObject *gw, gCoord x, gCoord y) {
#define gsw ((GSliderObject *)gw)
// Are we over the slider?
if (x < 0 || x >= gsw->w.g.width || y < 0 || y >= gsw->w.g.height) {
// No - restore the slider
SendSliderEvent(gsw, GSLIDER_EVENT_CANCEL);
// Set the new position
SetDisplayPosFromMouse(gsw, x, y);
gsw->pos = SliderCalcPosFromDPos(gsw);
// Update the display
//only adjust dpos if it equals one of the end values.
if (gsw->w.g.width < gsw->w.g.height) {
if (gsw->pos == gsw->min)
gsw->dpos = gsw->w.g.height-1;
else if (gsw->pos == gsw->max)
gsw->dpos = 0;
} else {
if (gsw->pos == gsw->max)
gsw->dpos = gsw->w.g.width-1;
else if (gsw->pos == gsw->min)
gsw->dpos = 0;
// Generate the event
SendSliderEvent(gsw, GSLIDER_EVENT_SET);
#undef gsw
2013-06-06 06:48:30 +00:00
// A mouse down event
2018-07-08 00:54:19 +00:00
static void SliderMouseDown(GWidgetObject *gw, gCoord x, gCoord y) {
#define gsw ((GSliderObject *)gw)
// Determine the display position
SetDisplayPosFromMouse(gsw, x, y);
// Update the display
// Send the event
SendSliderEvent(gsw, GSLIDER_EVENT_START);
#undef gsw
// A mouse move event
2018-07-08 00:54:19 +00:00
static void SliderMouseMove(GWidgetObject *gw, gCoord x, gCoord y) {
#define gsw ((GSliderObject *)gw)
// Determine the display position
SetDisplayPosFromMouse(gsw, x, y);
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
// Update the display
// Send the event
SendSliderEvent(gsw, GSLIDER_EVENT_MOVE);
#undef gsw
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
// A toggle on has occurred
static void SliderToggleOn(GWidgetObject *gw, uint16_t role) {
#define gsw ((GSliderObject *)gw)
if (role) {
gwinSliderSetPosition(&gsw->w.g, gsw->pos+(gsw->max-gsw->min)/GWIN_SLIDER_TOGGLE_INC);
SendSliderEvent(gsw, GSLIDER_EVENT_SET);
} else {
gwinSliderSetPosition(&gsw->w.g, gsw->pos-(gsw->max-gsw->min)/GWIN_SLIDER_TOGGLE_INC);
SendSliderEvent(gsw, GSLIDER_EVENT_SET);
#undef gsw
static void SliderToggleAssign(GWidgetObject *gw, uint16_t role, uint16_t instance) {
if (role)
((GSliderObject *)gw)->t_up = instance;
((GSliderObject *)gw)->t_dn = instance;
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
static uint16_t SliderToggleGet(GWidgetObject *gw, uint16_t role) {
return role ? ((GSliderObject *)gw)->t_up : ((GSliderObject *)gw)->t_dn;
// A dial move event
static void SliderDialMove(GWidgetObject *gw, uint16_t role, uint16_t value, uint16_t max) {
#define gsw ((GSliderObject *)gw)
(void) role;
// Set the new position
gsw->pos = (uint16_t)((uint32_t)value*(gsw->max-gsw->min)/max + gsw->min);
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
// Generate the event
SendSliderEvent(gsw, GSLIDER_EVENT_SET);
#undef gsw
static void SliderDialAssign(GWidgetObject *gw, uint16_t role, uint16_t instance) {
(void) role;
((GSliderObject *)gw)->dial = instance;
static uint16_t SliderDialGet(GWidgetObject *gw, uint16_t role) {
(void) role;
return ((GSliderObject *)gw)->dial;
// The slider VMT table
static const gwidgetVMT sliderVMT = {
"Slider", // The classname
sizeof(GSliderObject), // The object size
_gwidgetDestroy, // The destroy routine
_gwidgetRedraw, // The redraw routine
0, // The after-clear routine
gwinSliderDraw_Std, // The default drawing routine
SliderMouseDown, // Process mouse down events
SliderMouseUp, // Process mouse up events
SliderMouseMove, // Process mouse move events
2015-08-16 14:18:54 +00:00
0 // Process keyboard events
2, // 1 toggle role
SliderToggleAssign, // Assign Toggles
SliderToggleGet, // Get Toggles
0, // Process toggle off events (NOT USED)
SliderToggleOn, // Process toggle on events
1, // 1 dial roles
SliderDialAssign, // Assign Dials
SliderDialGet, // Get Dials
SliderDialMove, // Process dial move events
GHandle gwinGSliderCreate(GDisplay *g, GSliderObject *gs, const GWidgetInit *pInit) {
if (!(gs = (GSliderObject *)_gwidgetCreate(g, &gs->w, pInit, &sliderVMT)))
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
return 0;
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
gs->min = 0;
gs->max = 100;
gs->pos = 0;
gwinSetVisible((GHandle)gs, pInit->;
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
return (GHandle)gs;
2013-07-07 09:40:37 +00:00
void gwinSliderSetRange(GHandle gh, int min, int max) {
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
#define gsw ((GSliderObject *)gh)
if (gh->vmt != (gwinVMT *)&sliderVMT)
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
if (min == max) // prevent divide by 0 errors.
gsw->min = min;
gsw->max = max;
gsw->pos = min;
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
#undef gsw
2013-07-07 09:40:37 +00:00
void gwinSliderSetPosition(GHandle gh, int pos) {
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
#define gsw ((GSliderObject *)gh)
if (gh->vmt != (gwinVMT *)&sliderVMT)
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
if (gsw->min <= gsw->max) {
if (pos < gsw->min) gsw->pos = gsw->min;
else if (pos > gsw->max) gsw->pos = gsw->max;
else gsw->pos = pos;
} else {
if (pos > gsw->min) gsw->pos = gsw->min;
else if (pos < gsw->max) gsw->pos = gsw->max;
else gsw->pos = pos;
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
#undef gsw
void gwinSliderSendExtendedEvents(GHandle gh, gBool enabled) {
if (gh->vmt != (gwinVMT *)&sliderVMT)
if (enabled)
2013-07-07 09:40:37 +00:00
* Custom Draw Routines
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
void gwinSliderDraw_Std(GWidgetObject *gw, void *param) {
2013-07-07 09:40:37 +00:00
#define gsw ((GSliderObject *)gw)
const GColorSet * pcol;
(void) param;
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
if (gw->g.vmt != (gwinVMT *)&sliderVMT)
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
if ((gw->g.flags & GWIN_FLG_SYSENABLED))
2015-12-18 21:47:33 +00:00
pcol = &gw->pstyle->enabled;
2013-07-07 09:40:37 +00:00
pcol = &gw->pstyle->disabled;
2015-12-18 21:47:33 +00:00
// Vertical slider
if (gw->g.width < gw->g.height) {
if (gsw->dpos != gw->g.height-1)
2015-12-18 21:47:33 +00:00
gdispGFillArea(gw->g.display, gw->g.x, gw->g.y+gsw->dpos, gw->g.width, gw->g.height - gsw->dpos, pcol->progress); // Active area
if (gsw->dpos != 0)
2015-12-18 21:47:33 +00:00
gdispGFillArea(gw->g.display, gw->g.x, gw->g.y, gw->g.width, gsw->dpos, pcol->fill); // Inactive area
gdispGDrawBox(gw->g.display, gw->g.x, gw->g.y, gw->g.width, gw->g.height, pcol->edge); // Edge
gdispGDrawLine(gw->g.display, gw->g.x, gw->g.y+gsw->dpos, gw->g.x+gw->g.width-1, gw->g.y+gsw->dpos, pcol->edge); // Thumb
if (gsw->dpos >= 2)
gdispGDrawLine(gw->g.display, gw->g.x, gw->g.y+gsw->dpos-2, gw->g.x+gw->g.width-1, gw->g.y+gsw->dpos-2, pcol->edge); // Thumb
if (gsw->dpos <= gw->g.height-2)
gdispGDrawLine(gw->g.display, gw->g.x, gw->g.y+gsw->dpos+2, gw->g.x+gw->g.width-1, gw->g.y+gsw->dpos+2, pcol->edge); // Thumb
// Horizontal slider
} else {
if (gsw->dpos != gw->g.width-1)
2015-12-18 21:47:33 +00:00
gdispGFillArea(gw->g.display, gw->g.x+gsw->dpos, gw->g.y, gw->g.width-gsw->dpos, gw->g.height, pcol->fill); // Inactive area
if (gsw->dpos != 0)
2015-12-18 21:47:33 +00:00
gdispGFillArea(gw->g.display, gw->g.x, gw->g.y, gsw->dpos, gw->g.height, pcol->progress); // Active area
gdispGDrawBox(gw->g.display, gw->g.x, gw->g.y, gw->g.width, gw->g.height, pcol->edge); // Edge
gdispGDrawLine(gw->g.display, gw->g.x+gsw->dpos, gw->g.y, gw->g.x+gsw->dpos, gw->g.y+gw->g.height-1, pcol->edge); // Thumb
if (gsw->dpos >= 2)
gdispGDrawLine(gw->g.display, gw->g.x+gsw->dpos-2, gw->g.y, gw->g.x+gsw->dpos-2, gw->g.y+gw->g.height-1, pcol->edge); // Thumb
if (gsw->dpos <= gw->g.width-2)
gdispGDrawLine(gw->g.display, gw->g.x+gsw->dpos+2, gw->g.y, gw->g.x+gsw->dpos+2, gw->g.y+gw->g.height-1, pcol->edge); // Thumb
2015-12-18 21:47:33 +00:00
// Draw the string
gdispGDrawStringBox(gw->g.display, gw->g.x+1, gw->g.y+1, gw->g.width-2, gw->g.height-2, gw->text, gw->g.font, pcol->text, gJustifyCenter);
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
#undef gsw
void gwinSliderDraw_Image(GWidgetObject *gw, void *param) {
2013-07-07 09:40:37 +00:00
#define gsw ((GSliderObject *)gw)
#define gi ((gdispImage *)param)
const GColorSet * pcol;
2018-07-08 00:54:19 +00:00
gCoord z, v;
2013-05-27 10:53:34 +00:00
if (gw->g.vmt != (gwinVMT *)&sliderVMT)
2013-05-27 10:53:34 +00:00
if ((gw->g.flags & GWIN_FLG_SYSENABLED))
2015-12-18 21:48:36 +00:00
pcol = &gw->pstyle->enabled;
2013-07-07 09:40:37 +00:00
pcol = &gw->pstyle->disabled;
if (gw->g.width < gw->g.height) { // Vertical slider
if (gsw->dpos != 0) // The unfilled area
gdispGFillArea(gw->g.display, gw->g.x+1, gw->g.y+1, gw->g.width-2, gsw->dpos-1, gw->pstyle->enabled.progress); // Inactive area
if (gsw->dpos != gw->g.height-1) { // The filled area
for(z=gw->g.height, v=gi->height; z > gsw->dpos;) {
z -= v;
if (z < gsw->dpos) {
v -= gsw->dpos - z;
z = gsw->dpos;
gdispGImageDraw(gw->g.display, gi, gw->g.x+1, gw->g.y+z+1, gw->g.width-1, v-2, 0, gi->height-v);
gdispGDrawBox(gw->g.display, gw->g.x, gw->g.y, gw->g.width, gw->g.height, pcol->edge); // Edge
gdispGDrawLine(gw->g.display, gw->g.x+1, gw->g.y+gsw->dpos, gw->g.x+gw->g.width-2, gw->g.y+gsw->dpos, pcol->edge); // Thumb
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
// Horizontal slider
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
} else {
if (gsw->dpos != gw->g.width-1) // The unfilled area
gdispGFillArea(gw->g.display, gw->g.x+gsw->dpos+1, gw->g.y+1, gw->g.width-gsw->dpos-2, gw->g.height-2, gw->pstyle->enabled.progress); // Inactive area
if (gsw->dpos != 0) { // The filled area
for(z=0, v=gi->width; z < gsw->dpos; z += v) {
if (z+v > gsw->dpos)
v -= z+v - gsw->dpos;
gdispGImageDraw(gw->g.display, gi, gw->g.x+z+1, gw->g.y+1, v-1, gw->g.height-2, 0, 0);
gdispGDrawBox(gw->g.display, gw->g.x, gw->g.y, gw->g.width, gw->g.height, pcol->edge); // Edge
gdispGDrawLine(gw->g.display, gw->g.x+gsw->dpos, gw->g.y+1, gw->g.x+gsw->dpos, gw->g.y+gw->g.height-2, pcol->edge); // Thumb
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00
gdispGDrawStringBox(gw->g.display, gw->g.x+1, gw->g.y+1, gw->g.width-2, gw->g.height-2, gw->text, gw->g.font, pcol->text, gJustifyCenter);
#undef gsw
#undef gi
2013-10-27 23:35:08 +00:00
#endif /* GDISP_NEED_IMAGE */
2013-04-06 11:54:19 +00:00