Add new license to files missing it

Add new license to files missing it.
Some headers corrupted in license change were fixed.
A couple of readme updates
Andrew Hannam 2012-08-04 00:49:48 +10:00
parent 57e1fad166
commit 1888e57b62
8 changed files with 1777 additions and 1700 deletions

View File

@ -1,377 +1,381 @@
ChibiOS/RT - Copyright (C) 2012
Joel Bodenmann aka Tectu <>
This file is part of ChibiOS-LCD-Driver.
ChibiOS-LCD-Driver is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ChibiOS-LCD-Driver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @brief Some basic colors
#define White HTML2COLOR(0xFFFFFF)
#define Black HTML2COLOR(0x000000)
#define Gray HTML2COLOR(0x808080)
#define Grey Gray
#define Blue HTML2COLOR(0x0000FF)
#define Red HTML2COLOR(0xFF0000)
#define Fuchsia HTML2COLOR(0xFF00FF)
#define Magenta Fuchsia
#define Green HTML2COLOR(0x008000)
#define Yellow HTML2COLOR(0xFFFF00)
#define Aqua HTML2COLOR(0x00FFFF)
#define Cyan Aqua
#define Lime HTML2COLOR(0x00FF00)
#define Maroon HTML2COLOR(0x800000)
#define Navy HTML2COLOR(0x000080)
#define Olive HTML2COLOR(0x808000)
#define Purple HTML2COLOR(0x800080)
#define Silver HTML2COLOR(0xC0C0C0)
#define Teal HTML2COLOR(0x008080)
#define Orange HTML2COLOR(0xFFA500)
#define Pink HTML2COLOR(0xFFC0CB)
#define SkyBlue HTML2COLOR(0x87CEEB)
/* Driver pre-compile time settings. */
* @name GDISP more complex functionality to be compiled
* @{
* @brief Should all operations be clipped to the screen and colors validated.
* @details Defaults to TRUE.
* @note If this is FALSE, any operations that extend beyond the
* edge of the screen will have undefined results. Any
* out-of-range colors will produce undefined results.
* @note If defined then all low level and high level driver routines
* must check the validity of inputs and do something sensible
* if they are out of range. It doesn't have to be efficient,
* just valid.
* @brief Are circle functions needed.
* @details Defaults to TRUE
* @brief Are ellipse functions needed.
* @details Defaults to TRUE
* @brief Are text functions needed.
* @details Defaults to TRUE
* @brief Is scrolling needed.
* @details Defaults to FALSE
* @brief Is the capability to read pixels back needed.
* @details Defaults to FALSE
* @brief Do the drawing functions need to be thread-safe.
* @details Defaults to FALSE
* @note Turning this on adds two context switches per transaction
* so it can significantly slow graphics drawing.
/** @} */
/* Include the low level driver configuration information */
#include "gdisp_lld_config.h"
/* Derived constants and error checks. */
#error "GDISP: Hardware scrolling is wanted but not supported."
#error "GDISP: Pixel read-back is wanted but not supported."
/* Driver data structures and types. */
/* Define the basic Macro's for the various pixel formats */
#if defined(GDISP_PIXELFORMAT_RGB565) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
* @brief The color of a pixel.
typedef uint16_t color_t;
* @brief Convert a number (of any type) to a color_t.
* @details Masks any invalid bits in the color
#define COLOR(c) ((color_t)(c))
* @brief Does the color_t type contain invalid bits that need masking.
* @brief Convert red, green, blue (each 0 to 255) into a color value.
#define RGB2COLOR(r,g,b) ((color_t)((((r) & 0xF8)<<8) | (((g) & 0xFC)<<3) | (((b) & 0xF8)>>3)))
* @brief Convert a 6 digit HTML code (hex) into a color value.
#define HTML2COLOR(h) ((color_t)((((h) & 0xF80000)>>8) | (((h) & 0x00FC00)>>5) | (((h) & 0x0000F8)>>3)))
* @brief Extract the red component (0 to 255) of a color value.
#define RED_OF(c) (((c) & 0xF800)>>8)
* @brief Extract the green component (0 to 255) of a color value.
#define GREEN_OF(c) (((c)&0x007E)>>3)
* @brief Extract the blue component (0 to 255) of a color value.
#define BLUE_OF(c) (((c)&0x001F)<<3)
#elif defined(GDISP_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888)
typedef uint32_t color_t;
#define COLOR(c) ((color_t)(((c) & 0xFFFFFF)))
#define RGB2COLOR(r,g,b) ((color_t)((((r) & 0xFF)<<16) | (((g) & 0xFF) << 8) | ((b) & 0xFF)))
#define HTML2COLOR(h) ((color_t)(h))
#define RED_OF(c) (((c) & 0xFF0000)>>16)
#define GREEN_OF(c) (((c)&0x00FF00)>>8)
#define BLUE_OF(c) ((c)&0x0000FF)
#elif defined(GDISP_PIXELFORMAT_RGB444)
typedef uint16_t color_t;
#define COLOR(c) ((color_t)(((c) & 0x0FFF)))
#define RGB2COLOR(r,g,b) ((color_t)((((r) & 0xF0)<<4) | ((g) & 0xF0) | (((b) & 0xF0)>>4)))
#define HTML2COLOR(h) ((color_t)((((h) & 0xF00000)>>12) | (((h) & 0x00F000)>>8) | (((h) & 0x0000F0)>>4)))
#define RED_OF(c) (((c) & 0x0F00)>>4)
#define GREEN_OF(c) ((c)&0x00F0)
#define BLUE_OF(c) (((c)&0x000F)<<4)
#elif defined(GDISP_PIXELFORMAT_RGB332)
typedef uint8_t color_t;
#define COLOR(c) ((color_t)(c))
#define RGB2COLOR(r,g,b) ((color_t)(((r) & 0xE0) | (((g) & 0xE0)>>3) | (((b) & 0xC0)>>6)))
#define HTML2COLOR(h) ((color_t)((((h) & 0xE00000)>>16) | (((h) & 0x00E000)>>11) | (((h) & 0x0000C0)>>6)))
#define RED_OF(c) ((c) & 0xE0)
#define GREEN_OF(c) (((c)&0x1C)<<3)
#define BLUE_OF(c) (((c)&0x03)<<6)
#elif defined(GDISP_PIXELFORMAT_RGB666)
typedef uint32_t color_t;
#define COLOR(c) ((color_t)(((c) & 0x03FFFF)))
#define RGB2COLOR(r,g,b) ((color_t)((((r) & 0xFC)<<10) | (((g) & 0xFC)<<4) | (((b) & 0xFC)>>2)))
#define HTML2COLOR(h) ((color_t)((((h) & 0xFC0000)>>6) | (((h) & 0x00FC00)>>4) | (((h) & 0x0000FC)>>2)))
#define RED_OF(c) (((c) & 0x03F000)>>12)
#define GREEN_OF(c) (((c)&0x00FC00)>>8)
#define BLUE_OF(c) (((c)&0x00003F)<<2)
#error "GDISP: No supported pixel format has been specified."
/* Verify information for packed pixels and define a non-packed pixel macro */
#define gdispPackPixels(buf,cx,x,y,c) { ((color_t *)(buf))[(y)*(cx)+(x)] = (c); }
#error "GDISP: packed pixel formats are only supported for hardware accelerated drivers."
#elif !defined(GDISP_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888) \
&& !defined(GDISP_PIXELFORMAT_RGB444) \
&& !defined(GDISP_PIXELFORMAT_RGB666) \
#error "GDISP: A packed pixel format has been specified for an unsupported pixel format."
* @brief The type for a coordinate or length on the screen.
typedef uint16_t coord_t;
* @brief The type of a pixel.
typedef color_t pixel_t;
* @brief The type of a font.
typedef const struct font *font_t;
* @brief Type of a structure representing a GDISP driver.
typedef struct GDISPDriver GDISPDriver;
* @brief Type for the screen orientation.
typedef enum orientation {portrait, landscape, portraitInv, landscapeInv} gdisp_orientation_t;
* @brief Type for the available power modes for the screen.
typedef enum powermode {powerOff, powerSleep, powerOn} gdisp_powermode_t;
* @brief Type for the text justification.
typedef enum justify {justifyLeft, justifyCenter, justifyRight} justify_t;
* @brief Type for the font metric.
typedef enum fontmetric {fontHeight, fontDescendersHeight, fontLineSpacing, fontCharPadding, fontMinWidth, fontMaxWidth} fontmetric_t;
/* External declarations. */
/* Include the low level driver information */
#include "gdisp_lld.h"
#if GDISP_NEED_TEXT || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
* @brief Predefined fonts.
extern const struct font fontSmall;
extern const struct font fontLarger;
extern const struct font fontUI1;
extern const struct font fontUI2;
extern const struct font fontLargeNumbers;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Base Functions */
void gdispInit(GDISPDriver *gdisp);
void gdispSetPowerMode(gdisp_powermode_t powerMode);
void gdispSetOrientation(gdisp_orientation_t newOrientation);
/* Drawing Functions */
void gdispClear(color_t color);
void gdispDrawPixel(coord_t x, coord_t y, color_t color);
void gdispDrawLine(coord_t x0, coord_t y0, coord_t x1, coord_t y1, color_t color);
void gdispDrawBox(coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t cx, coord_t cy, color_t color);
void gdispFillArea(coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t cx, coord_t cy, color_t color);
void gdispBlitArea(coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t cx, coord_t cy, pixel_t *buffer);
/* Circle Functions */
void gdispDrawCircle(coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t radius, color_t color);
void gdispFillCircle(coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t radius, color_t color);
/* Ellipse Functions */
void gdispDrawEllipse(coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t a, coord_t b, color_t color);
void gdispFillEllipse(coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t a, coord_t b, color_t color);
/* Basic Text Rendering Functions */
void gdispDrawChar(coord_t x, coord_t y, char c, font_t font, color_t color);
void gdispFillChar(coord_t x, coord_t y, char c, font_t font, color_t color, color_t bgcolor);
/* Read a pixel Function */
color_t gdispGetPixelColor(coord_t x, coord_t y);
/* Scrolling Function - clears the area scrolled out */
void gdispVerticalScroll(coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t cx, coord_t cy, int lines, color_t bgcolor);
/* The same as above but use the low level driver directly if no multi-thread support is needed */
#define gdispInit(gdisp) gdisp_lld_init()
#define gdispSetPowerMode(powerMode) gdisp_lld_setpowermode(powerMode)
#define gdispSetOrientation(newOrientation) gdisp_lld_setorientation(newOrientation)
#define gdispClear(color) gdisp_lld_clear(color)
#define gdispDrawPixel(x, y, color) gdisp_lld_drawpixel(x, y, color)
#define gdispDrawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, color) gdisp_lld_drawline(x0, y0, x1, y1, color)
#define gdispDrawBox(x, y, cx, cy, color) gdisp_lld_drawbox(x, y, cx, cy, color)
#define gdispFillArea(x, y, cx, cy, color) gdisp_lld_fillarea(x, y, cx, cy, color)
#define gdispBlitArea(x, y, cx, cy, buffer) gdisp_lld_blitarea(x, y, cx, cy, buffer)
#define gdispDrawCircle(x, y, radius, color) gdisp_lld_drawcircle(x, y, radius, color)
#define gdispFillCircle(x, y, radius, color) gdisp_lld_fillcircle(x, y, radius, color)
#define gdispDrawEllipse(x, y, a, b, color) gdisp_lld_drawellipse(x, y, a, b, color)
#define gdispFillEllipse(x, y, a, b, color) gdisp_lld_fillellipse(x, y, a, b, color)
#define gdispDrawChar(x, y, c, font, color) gdisp_lld_drawchar(x, y, c, font, color)
#define gdispFillChar(x, y, c, font, color, bgcolor) gdisp_lld_fillchar(x, y, c, font, color, bgcolor)
#define gdispGetPixelColor(x, y) gdisp_lld_getpixelcolor(x, y)
#define gdispVerticalScroll(x, y, cx, cy, lines, bgcolor) gdisp_lld_verticalscroll(x, y, cx, cy, lines, bgcolor)
/* Extra Text Functions */
void gdispDrawString(coord_t x, coord_t y, const char *str, font_t font, color_t color);
void gdispFillString(coord_t x, coord_t y, const char *str, font_t font, color_t color, color_t bgcolor);
void gdispFillStringBox(coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t cx, coord_t cy, const char* str, font_t font, color_t color, color_t bgColor, justify_t justify);
coord_t gdispGetFontMetric(font_t font, fontmetric_t metric);
coord_t gdispGetCharWidth(char c, font_t font);
coord_t gdispGetStringWidth(const char* str, font_t font);
/* Support routine for packed pixel formats */
#ifndef gdispPackPixels
void gdispPackPixels(pixel_t *buf, coord_t cx, coord_t x, coord_t y, color_t color);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* HAL_USE_GDISP */
#endif /* _GDISP_H */
/** @} */
ChibiOS/RT - Copyright (C) 2012
Joel Bodenmann aka Tectu <>
This file is part of ChibiOS-LCD-Driver.
ChibiOS-LCD-Driver is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ChibiOS-LCD-Driver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef _GDISP_H
#define _GDISP_H
#if HAL_USE_GDISP || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
* @brief Some basic colors
#define White HTML2COLOR(0xFFFFFF)
#define Black HTML2COLOR(0x000000)
#define Gray HTML2COLOR(0x808080)
#define Grey Gray
#define Blue HTML2COLOR(0x0000FF)
#define Red HTML2COLOR(0xFF0000)
#define Fuchsia HTML2COLOR(0xFF00FF)
#define Magenta Fuchsia
#define Green HTML2COLOR(0x008000)
#define Yellow HTML2COLOR(0xFFFF00)
#define Aqua HTML2COLOR(0x00FFFF)
#define Cyan Aqua
#define Lime HTML2COLOR(0x00FF00)
#define Maroon HTML2COLOR(0x800000)
#define Navy HTML2COLOR(0x000080)
#define Olive HTML2COLOR(0x808000)
#define Purple HTML2COLOR(0x800080)
#define Silver HTML2COLOR(0xC0C0C0)
#define Teal HTML2COLOR(0x008080)
#define Orange HTML2COLOR(0xFFA500)
#define Pink HTML2COLOR(0xFFC0CB)
#define SkyBlue HTML2COLOR(0x87CEEB)
/* Driver pre-compile time settings. */
* @name GDISP more complex functionality to be compiled
* @{
* @brief Should all operations be clipped to the screen and colors validated.
* @details Defaults to TRUE.
* @note If this is FALSE, any operations that extend beyond the
* edge of the screen will have undefined results. Any
* out-of-range colors will produce undefined results.
* @note If defined then all low level and high level driver routines
* must check the validity of inputs and do something sensible
* if they are out of range. It doesn't have to be efficient,
* just valid.
* @brief Are circle functions needed.
* @details Defaults to TRUE
* @brief Are ellipse functions needed.
* @details Defaults to TRUE
* @brief Are text functions needed.
* @details Defaults to TRUE
* @brief Is scrolling needed.
* @details Defaults to FALSE
* @brief Is the capability to read pixels back needed.
* @details Defaults to FALSE
* @brief Do the drawing functions need to be thread-safe.
* @details Defaults to FALSE
* @note Turning this on adds two context switches per transaction
* so it can significantly slow graphics drawing.
/** @} */
/* Include the low level driver configuration information */
#include "gdisp_lld_config.h"
/* Derived constants and error checks. */
#error "GDISP: Hardware scrolling is wanted but not supported."
#error "GDISP: Pixel read-back is wanted but not supported."
/* Driver data structures and types. */
/* Define the basic Macro's for the various pixel formats */
#if defined(GDISP_PIXELFORMAT_RGB565) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
* @brief The color of a pixel.
typedef uint16_t color_t;
* @brief Convert a number (of any type) to a color_t.
* @details Masks any invalid bits in the color
#define COLOR(c) ((color_t)(c))
* @brief Does the color_t type contain invalid bits that need masking.
* @brief Convert red, green, blue (each 0 to 255) into a color value.
#define RGB2COLOR(r,g,b) ((color_t)((((r) & 0xF8)<<8) | (((g) & 0xFC)<<3) | (((b) & 0xF8)>>3)))
* @brief Convert a 6 digit HTML code (hex) into a color value.
#define HTML2COLOR(h) ((color_t)((((h) & 0xF80000)>>8) | (((h) & 0x00FC00)>>5) | (((h) & 0x0000F8)>>3)))
* @brief Extract the red component (0 to 255) of a color value.
#define RED_OF(c) (((c) & 0xF800)>>8)
* @brief Extract the green component (0 to 255) of a color value.
#define GREEN_OF(c) (((c)&0x007E)>>3)
* @brief Extract the blue component (0 to 255) of a color value.
#define BLUE_OF(c) (((c)&0x001F)<<3)
#elif defined(GDISP_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888)
typedef uint32_t color_t;
#define COLOR(c) ((color_t)(((c) & 0xFFFFFF)))
#define RGB2COLOR(r,g,b) ((color_t)((((r) & 0xFF)<<16) | (((g) & 0xFF) << 8) | ((b) & 0xFF)))
#define HTML2COLOR(h) ((color_t)(h))
#define RED_OF(c) (((c) & 0xFF0000)>>16)
#define GREEN_OF(c) (((c)&0x00FF00)>>8)
#define BLUE_OF(c) ((c)&0x0000FF)
#elif defined(GDISP_PIXELFORMAT_RGB444)
typedef uint16_t color_t;
#define COLOR(c) ((color_t)(((c) & 0x0FFF)))
#define RGB2COLOR(r,g,b) ((color_t)((((r) & 0xF0)<<4) | ((g) & 0xF0) | (((b) & 0xF0)>>4)))
#define HTML2COLOR(h) ((color_t)((((h) & 0xF00000)>>12) | (((h) & 0x00F000)>>8) | (((h) & 0x0000F0)>>4)))
#define RED_OF(c) (((c) & 0x0F00)>>4)
#define GREEN_OF(c) ((c)&0x00F0)
#define BLUE_OF(c) (((c)&0x000F)<<4)
#elif defined(GDISP_PIXELFORMAT_RGB332)
typedef uint8_t color_t;
#define COLOR(c) ((color_t)(c))
#define RGB2COLOR(r,g,b) ((color_t)(((r) & 0xE0) | (((g) & 0xE0)>>3) | (((b) & 0xC0)>>6)))
#define HTML2COLOR(h) ((color_t)((((h) & 0xE00000)>>16) | (((h) & 0x00E000)>>11) | (((h) & 0x0000C0)>>6)))
#define RED_OF(c) ((c) & 0xE0)
#define GREEN_OF(c) (((c)&0x1C)<<3)
#define BLUE_OF(c) (((c)&0x03)<<6)
#elif defined(GDISP_PIXELFORMAT_RGB666)
typedef uint32_t color_t;
#define COLOR(c) ((color_t)(((c) & 0x03FFFF)))
#define RGB2COLOR(r,g,b) ((color_t)((((r) & 0xFC)<<10) | (((g) & 0xFC)<<4) | (((b) & 0xFC)>>2)))
#define HTML2COLOR(h) ((color_t)((((h) & 0xFC0000)>>6) | (((h) & 0x00FC00)>>4) | (((h) & 0x0000FC)>>2)))
#define RED_OF(c) (((c) & 0x03F000)>>12)
#define GREEN_OF(c) (((c)&0x00FC00)>>8)
#define BLUE_OF(c) (((c)&0x00003F)<<2)
#error "GDISP: No supported pixel format has been specified."
/* Verify information for packed pixels and define a non-packed pixel macro */
#define gdispPackPixels(buf,cx,x,y,c) { ((color_t *)(buf))[(y)*(cx)+(x)] = (c); }
#error "GDISP: packed pixel formats are only supported for hardware accelerated drivers."
#elif !defined(GDISP_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888) \
&& !defined(GDISP_PIXELFORMAT_RGB444) \
&& !defined(GDISP_PIXELFORMAT_RGB666) \
#error "GDISP: A packed pixel format has been specified for an unsupported pixel format."
* @brief The type for a coordinate or length on the screen.
typedef uint16_t coord_t;
* @brief The type of a pixel.
typedef color_t pixel_t;
* @brief The type of a font.
typedef const struct font *font_t;
* @brief Type of a structure representing a GDISP driver.
typedef struct GDISPDriver GDISPDriver;
* @brief Type for the screen orientation.
typedef enum orientation {portrait, landscape, portraitInv, landscapeInv} gdisp_orientation_t;
* @brief Type for the available power modes for the screen.
typedef enum powermode {powerOff, powerSleep, powerOn} gdisp_powermode_t;
* @brief Type for the text justification.
typedef enum justify {justifyLeft, justifyCenter, justifyRight} justify_t;
* @brief Type for the font metric.
typedef enum fontmetric {fontHeight, fontDescendersHeight, fontLineSpacing, fontCharPadding, fontMinWidth, fontMaxWidth} fontmetric_t;
/* External declarations. */
/* Include the low level driver information */
#include "gdisp_lld.h"
#if GDISP_NEED_TEXT || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
* @brief Predefined fonts.
extern const struct font fontSmall;
extern const struct font fontLarger;
extern const struct font fontUI1;
extern const struct font fontUI2;
extern const struct font fontLargeNumbers;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Base Functions */
void gdispInit(GDISPDriver *gdisp);
void gdispSetPowerMode(gdisp_powermode_t powerMode);
void gdispSetOrientation(gdisp_orientation_t newOrientation);
/* Drawing Functions */
void gdispClear(color_t color);
void gdispDrawPixel(coord_t x, coord_t y, color_t color);
void gdispDrawLine(coord_t x0, coord_t y0, coord_t x1, coord_t y1, color_t color);
void gdispDrawBox(coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t cx, coord_t cy, color_t color);
void gdispFillArea(coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t cx, coord_t cy, color_t color);
void gdispBlitArea(coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t cx, coord_t cy, const pixel_t *buffer);
/* Circle Functions */
void gdispDrawCircle(coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t radius, color_t color);
void gdispFillCircle(coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t radius, color_t color);
/* Ellipse Functions */
void gdispDrawEllipse(coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t a, coord_t b, color_t color);
void gdispFillEllipse(coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t a, coord_t b, color_t color);
/* Basic Text Rendering Functions */
void gdispDrawChar(coord_t x, coord_t y, char c, font_t font, color_t color);
void gdispFillChar(coord_t x, coord_t y, char c, font_t font, color_t color, color_t bgcolor);
/* Read a pixel Function */
color_t gdispGetPixelColor(coord_t x, coord_t y);
/* Scrolling Function - clears the area scrolled out */
void gdispVerticalScroll(coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t cx, coord_t cy, int lines, color_t bgcolor);
/* The same as above but use the low level driver directly if no multi-thread support is needed */
#define gdispInit(gdisp) gdisp_lld_init()
#define gdispSetPowerMode(powerMode) gdisp_lld_setpowermode(powerMode)
#define gdispSetOrientation(newOrientation) gdisp_lld_setorientation(newOrientation)
#define gdispClear(color) gdisp_lld_clear(color)
#define gdispDrawPixel(x, y, color) gdisp_lld_drawpixel(x, y, color)
#define gdispDrawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, color) gdisp_lld_drawline(x0, y0, x1, y1, color)
#define gdispDrawBox(x, y, cx, cy, color) gdisp_lld_drawbox(x, y, cx, cy, color)
#define gdispFillArea(x, y, cx, cy, color) gdisp_lld_fillarea(x, y, cx, cy, color)
#define gdispBlitArea(x, y, cx, cy, buffer) gdisp_lld_blitarea(x, y, cx, cy, buffer)
#define gdispDrawCircle(x, y, radius, color) gdisp_lld_drawcircle(x, y, radius, color)
#define gdispFillCircle(x, y, radius, color) gdisp_lld_fillcircle(x, y, radius, color)
#define gdispDrawEllipse(x, y, a, b, color) gdisp_lld_drawellipse(x, y, a, b, color)
#define gdispFillEllipse(x, y, a, b, color) gdisp_lld_fillellipse(x, y, a, b, color)
#define gdispDrawChar(x, y, c, font, color) gdisp_lld_drawchar(x, y, c, font, color)
#define gdispFillChar(x, y, c, font, color, bgcolor) gdisp_lld_fillchar(x, y, c, font, color, bgcolor)
#define gdispGetPixelColor(x, y) gdisp_lld_getpixelcolor(x, y)
#define gdispVerticalScroll(x, y, cx, cy, lines, bgcolor) gdisp_lld_verticalscroll(x, y, cx, cy, lines, bgcolor)
/* Extra Text Functions */
void gdispDrawString(coord_t x, coord_t y, const char *str, font_t font, color_t color);
void gdispFillString(coord_t x, coord_t y, const char *str, font_t font, color_t color, color_t bgcolor);
void gdispFillStringBox(coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t cx, coord_t cy, const char* str, font_t font, color_t color, color_t bgColor, justify_t justify);
coord_t gdispGetFontMetric(font_t font, fontmetric_t metric);
coord_t gdispGetCharWidth(char c, font_t font);
coord_t gdispGetStringWidth(const char* str, font_t font);
/* Support routine for packed pixel formats */
#ifndef gdispPackPixels
void gdispPackPixels(const pixel_t *buf, coord_t cx, coord_t x, coord_t y, color_t color);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* HAL_USE_GDISP */
#endif /* _GDISP_H */
/** @} */

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@ -1,39 +1,22 @@
ChibiOS/RT - Copyright (C) 2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,
2011,2012 Giovanni Di Sirio.
ChibiOS/RT - Copyright (C) 2012
Joel Bodenmann aka Tectu <>
This file is part of ChibiOS/RT.
This file is part of ChibiOS-LCD-Driver.
ChibiOS/RT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
ChibiOS-LCD-Driver is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ChibiOS/RT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
ChibiOS-LCD-Driver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
A special exception to the GPL can be applied should you wish to distribute
a combined work that includes ChibiOS/RT, without being obliged to provide
the source code for any proprietary components. See the file exception.txt
for full details of how and when the exception can be applied.
Concepts and parts of this file have been contributed by:
Joel Bodenmann aka Tectu -> Maintainer
Andrew Hannam aka inmarket -> Framework
Badger -> console implementation and FSMC
Abhishek -> font rendering
Ben William -> fastMath and lcdDrawEllipse()
Dongxu Li aka dxli -> lcdDrawEllipse() filled option
* @file gdisp_fonts.h
* @brief GDISP internal font definitions.
@ -47,6 +30,8 @@
#ifndef _GDISP_FONTS_H
#define _GDISP_FONTS_H
/* Don't test against HAL_USE_GDISP as we may want to use this in other non-GDISP utilities. */
* @brief The maximum height of a font.
* @details Either 16 or 32. Defaults to 16
@ -76,29 +61,26 @@
* 2. An array of column data offsets (relative to the font structure)
* 3. Each characters array of column data (fontcolumn_t)
* Each sub-structure must be padded to a multiple of 8 bytes
* to allow the tables to work accross many different compilers.
* to allow the tables to work across many different compilers.
struct font {
uint8_t height;
uint8_t charPadding;
uint8_t lineSpacing;
uint8_t descenderHeight;
uint8_t minWidth;
uint8_t maxWidth;
char minChar;
char maxChar;
uint16_t offsetTableOffset;
uint16_t unused1; /* ensure next field is padded to 8 byte boundary */
uint8_t widthTable[];
uint8_t height;
uint8_t charPadding;
uint8_t lineSpacing;
uint8_t descenderHeight;
uint8_t minWidth;
uint8_t maxWidth;
char minChar;
char maxChar;
const fontcolumn_t *(* const offsetTable);
const uint8_t * const widthTable;
* @brief Macro's to get to the complex parts of the font structure.
#define _getFontPart(f,o,t) ((t)(&((const uint8_t *)(f))[(o)]))
#define _getCharWidth(f,c) (((c) < (f)->minChar || (c) > (f)->maxChar) ? 0 : (f)->widthTable[c - (f)->minChar])
#define _getCharOffset(f,c) (_getFontPart((f), (f)->offsetTableOffset, const uint16_t *)[c - (f)->minChar])
#define _getCharData(f,c) _getFontPart((f), _getCharOffset((f),(c)), const fontcolumn_t *)
#define _getCharData(f,c) (f)->offsetTable[c - (f)->minChar]
#endif /* _GDISP_FONTS_H */
/** @} */

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -28,6 +28,10 @@
we call a real low level driver routine and if validation is
required - it will do it.
#if HAL_USE_GDISP || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
void gdisp_lld_setpowermode(gdisp_powermode_t UNUSED(powerMode)) {
@ -414,3 +418,6 @@
#endif /* HAL_USE_GDISP */

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@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
The new GDISP driver is an architecture independant rewrite of the GLCD interface. This new architecture independance should allow many new low level drivers to be easily added.
The new GDISP driver is an architecture independant rewrite of the GLCD interface.
This new architecture independance should allow many new low level drivers to be easily added.
GDISP allows low-level driver hardware accelerated drawing routines while providing a software emulation if the low level driver can not provide it. A basic low level driver now only requires 2 routines to be written.
GDISP allows low-level driver hardware accelerated drawing routines while providing a software emulation
if the low level driver can not provide it. A basic low level driver now only requires 2 routines to be written.
A glcd.h compatability file has been included that allow applications written to use the existing GLCD driver to use the GDISP driver with little or no change.
A glcd.h compatability file has been included that allow applications written to use the existing GLCD driver to
use the GDISP driver with little or no change.
It is written in the ChibiOS style with ChibiOS style includes and documentation.
It is encapsulated into a "halext" structure with appropriate readme's that allow for easy inclusion in any ChibiOS project. This structure can be seamlessly added to as new driver types are added and it supports low level drivers that are neither platform or board specific (although they can be).
It is encapsulated into a "halext" structure with appropriate readme's that allow for easy inclusion in any
ChibiOS project. This structure can be seamlessly added to as new driver types are added and it supports
low level drivers that are neither platform or board specific (although they can be).

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
#include "ch.h"
#include "hal.h"
#include "gdisp.h"
#include "gdisp_fonts.h"
#if HAL_USE_GDISP || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
@ -62,6 +61,18 @@
/* Driver local functions. */
#include "gdisp_fonts.h"
/* All the board specific code should go in these include file so the driver
* can be ported to another board just by creating a suitable file.
#include "gdisp_lld_board_yourboardname.h"
/* Include the user supplied board definitions */
#include "gdisp_lld_board.h"
/* Driver interrupt handlers. */

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@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ To use this driver template
2. Rename the directory to match your hardware.
3. Customise each file in the directory including the .mk file
and this file. An example for this file is below...
4. Keep any board specific code in a file you create called
gdisp_lld_board_yourboardname.h and adjust gdisp.c to match.
This enables someone porting to a new board to add another
suitable boad definition without worrying about the rest of
the driver. See the gdispNokia6610 driver as an example.
To use this driver:
@ -18,6 +23,12 @@ To use this driver:
d) All of the following (with appropriate values):
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 128
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 128
e) If you are not using a known board then create a gdisp_lld_board.h file
and ensure it is on your include path.
Use the gdisp_lld_board_example.h file as a basis.
Currently known boards are:
2. To your makefile add the following lines:
include $(CHIBIOS)/os/halext/