whitespaces - widgets demo
This commit is contained in:
@ -117,76 +117,119 @@ static void createWidgets(void) {
// Create the Tabs
wi.g.show = TRUE; wi.customDraw = gwinRadioDraw_Tab;
wi.g.width = ScrWidth/7; wi.g.height = TAB_HEIGHT; wi.g.y = 0;
wi.g.x = 0*wi.g.width; wi.text = "Buttons"; ghTabButtons = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
wi.g.x = 1*wi.g.width; wi.text = "Sliders"; ghTabSliders = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
wi.g.x = 2*wi.g.width; wi.text = "Checkbox"; ghTabCheckboxes = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
wi.g.x = 3*wi.g.width; wi.text = "Radios"; ghTabRadios = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
wi.g.x = 4*wi.g.width; wi.text = "Lists"; ghTabLists = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
wi.g.x = 5*wi.g.width; wi.text = "Labels"; ghTabLabels = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
wi.g.x = 6*wi.g.width; wi.text = "Images"; ghTabImages = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
wi.g.x = 0*wi.g.width; wi.text = "Buttons";
ghTabButtons = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
wi.g.x = 1*wi.g.width; wi.text = "Sliders";
ghTabSliders = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
wi.g.x = 2*wi.g.width; wi.text = "Checkbox";
ghTabCheckboxes = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
wi.g.x = 3*wi.g.width; wi.text = "Radios";
ghTabRadios = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
wi.g.x = 4*wi.g.width; wi.text = "Lists";
ghTabLists = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
wi.g.x = 5*wi.g.width; wi.text = "Labels";
ghTabLabels = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
wi.g.x = 6*wi.g.width; wi.text = "Images";
ghTabImages = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
// Buttons
wi.g.show = FALSE; wi.customDraw = 0;
wi.g.width = BUTTON_WIDTH; wi.g.height = BUTTON_HEIGHT; wi.g.y = TAB_HEIGHT+5;
wi.g.x = 0+0*(BUTTON_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "B1"; ghButton1 = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi);
wi.g.x = 0+1*(BUTTON_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "B2"; ghButton2 = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi);
wi.g.x = 0+2*(BUTTON_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "B3"; ghButton3 = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi);
wi.g.x = 0+3*(BUTTON_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "B4"; ghButton4 = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi);
wi.g.x = 0+0*(BUTTON_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "B1";
ghButton1 = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi);
wi.g.x = 0+1*(BUTTON_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "B2";
ghButton2 = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi);
wi.g.x = 0+2*(BUTTON_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "B3";
ghButton3 = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi);
wi.g.x = 0+3*(BUTTON_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "B4";
ghButton4 = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi);
// Horizontal Sliders
wi.g.width = ScrWidth/2-2; wi.g.height = SLIDER_WIDTH; wi.g.x = ScrWidth/2+1;
wi.g.y = ScrHeight/2-2*(SLIDER_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "S1"; ghSlider1 = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi);
wi.g.y = ScrHeight/2-1*(SLIDER_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "S2"; ghSlider2 = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi);
wi.g.y = ScrHeight/2-2*(SLIDER_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "S1";
ghSlider1 = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi);
wi.g.y = ScrHeight/2-1*(SLIDER_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "S2";
ghSlider2 = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi);
// Vertical Sliders
wi.g.width = SLIDER_WIDTH; wi.g.height = ScrHeight/2-2; wi.g.y = ScrHeight/2+1;
wi.g.x = 0+0*(SLIDER_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "S3"; ghSlider3 = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi);
wi.g.x = 0+1*(SLIDER_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "S4"; ghSlider4 = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi);
wi.g.x = 0+0*(SLIDER_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "S3";
ghSlider3 = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi);
wi.g.x = 0+1*(SLIDER_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "S4";
ghSlider4 = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi);
// Checkboxes - for the 2nd checkbox we apply special drawing before making it visible
wi.g.width = CHECKBOX_WIDTH; wi.g.height = CHECKBOX_HEIGHT; wi.g.x = 0;
wi.g.y = TAB_HEIGHT+5+0*(CHECKBOX_HEIGHT+1); wi.text = "C1"; ghCheckbox1 = gwinCheckboxCreate(0, &wi);
wi.g.y = TAB_HEIGHT+5+0*(CHECKBOX_HEIGHT+1); wi.text = "C1";
ghCheckbox1 = gwinCheckboxCreate(0, &wi);
wi.customDraw = gwinCheckboxDraw_CheckOnRight;
wi.g.y = TAB_HEIGHT+5+1*(CHECKBOX_HEIGHT+1); wi.text = "C2"; ghCheckbox2 = gwinCheckboxCreate(0, &wi);
wi.g.y = TAB_HEIGHT+5+1*(CHECKBOX_HEIGHT+1); wi.text = "C2";
ghCheckbox2 = gwinCheckboxCreate(0, &wi);
wi.customDraw = 0; wi.g.width = DISABLEALL_WIDTH;
wi.g.y = TAB_HEIGHT+5+2*(CHECKBOX_HEIGHT+1); wi.text = "Disable All"; ghCheckDisableAll = gwinCheckboxCreate(0, &wi);
wi.g.y = TAB_HEIGHT+5+2*(CHECKBOX_HEIGHT+1); wi.text = "Disable All";
ghCheckDisableAll = gwinCheckboxCreate(0, &wi);
// Labels
wi.g.width = 0; wi.g.height = LABEL_HEIGHT; // dynamic width, fixed height
wi.g.y = TAB_HEIGHT+5+2*(CHECKBOX_HEIGHT+1); wi.text = "Label"; ghLabel1 = gwinLabelCreate(0, &wi);
wi.g.y = TAB_HEIGHT+5+2*(CHECKBOX_HEIGHT+1); wi.text = "Label";
ghLabel1 = gwinLabelCreate(0, &wi);
// Radio Buttons
wi.g.width = RADIO_WIDTH; wi.g.height = RADIO_HEIGHT; wi.g.y = TAB_HEIGHT+5;
wi.g.x = 0*wi.g.width; wi.text = "Yes"; ghRadio1 = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_YESNO);
wi.g.x = 1*wi.g.width; wi.text = "No"; ghRadio2 = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_YESNO);
wi.g.x = 0*wi.g.width; wi.text = "Yes";
ghRadio1 = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_YESNO);
wi.g.x = 1*wi.g.width; wi.text = "No";
ghRadio2 = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_YESNO);
wi.g.width = COLOR_WIDTH; wi.g.y += RADIO_HEIGHT+5;
wi.g.x = 0*wi.g.width; wi.text = "Black"; ghRadioBlack = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_COLORS);
wi.g.x = 1*wi.g.width; wi.text = "White"; ghRadioWhite = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_COLORS);
wi.g.x = 2*wi.g.width; wi.text = "Yellow"; ghRadioYellow = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_COLORS);
wi.g.x = 0*wi.g.width; wi.text = "Black";
ghRadioBlack = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_COLORS);
wi.g.x = 1*wi.g.width; wi.text = "White";
ghRadioWhite = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_COLORS);
wi.g.x = 2*wi.g.width; wi.text = "Yellow";
ghRadioYellow = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_COLORS);
// Lists
wi.g.show = FALSE; wi.customDraw = 0;
wi.g.width = LIST_WIDTH; wi.g.height = LIST_HEIGHT; wi.g.y = TAB_HEIGHT+5;
wi.g.x = 0+0*(LIST_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "L1"; ghList1 = gwinListCreate(0, &wi, FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 0", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 1", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 2", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 3", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 4", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 5", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 6", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 7", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 8", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 9", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 10", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 11", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 12", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 13", FALSE);
wi.g.x = 0+1*(LIST_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "L2"; ghList2 = gwinListCreate(0, &wi, TRUE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 0", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 1", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 2", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 3", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 4", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 5", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 6", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 7", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 8", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 9", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 10", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 11", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 12", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 13", FALSE);
wi.g.x = 0+2*(LIST_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "L3"; ghList3 = gwinListCreate(0, &wi, TRUE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList3, "Item 0", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList3, "Item 1", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList3, "Item 2", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList3, "Item 3", FALSE);
wi.g.x = 0+0*(LIST_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "L1";
ghList1 = gwinListCreate(0, &wi, FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 0", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 1", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 2", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 3", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 4", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 5", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 6", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 7", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 8", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 9", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 10", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 11", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 12", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 13", FALSE);
wi.g.x = 0+1*(LIST_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "L2";
ghList2 = gwinListCreate(0, &wi, TRUE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 0", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 1", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 2", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 3", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 4", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 5", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 6", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 7", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 8", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 9", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 10", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 11", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 12", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 13", FALSE);
wi.g.x = 0+2*(LIST_WIDTH+1); wi.text = "L3";
ghList3 = gwinListCreate(0, &wi, TRUE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList3, "Item 0", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList3, "Item 1", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList3, "Item 2", FALSE);
gwinListAddItem(ghList3, "Item 3", FALSE);
gdispImageOpenFile(&imgYesNo, "image_yesno.gif");
gwinListItemSetImage(ghList3, 1, &imgYesNo);
gwinListItemSetImage(ghList3, 3, &imgYesNo);
@ -210,33 +253,55 @@ static void createWidgets(void) {
static void setTab(GHandle tab) {
/* Make sure everything is invisible first */
gwinSetVisible(ghButton1, FALSE); gwinSetVisible(ghButton2, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghButton3, FALSE); gwinSetVisible(ghButton4, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghSlider1, FALSE); gwinSetVisible(ghSlider2, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghSlider3, FALSE); gwinSetVisible(ghSlider4, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghCheckbox1, FALSE); gwinSetVisible(ghCheckbox2, FALSE); gwinSetVisible(ghCheckDisableAll, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghButton1, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghButton2, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghButton3, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghButton4, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghSlider1, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghSlider2, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghSlider3, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghSlider4, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghCheckbox1, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghCheckbox2, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghCheckDisableAll, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghLabel1, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghRadio1, FALSE); gwinSetVisible(ghRadio2, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghRadioWhite, FALSE);gwinSetVisible(ghRadioBlack, FALSE);gwinSetVisible(ghRadioYellow, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghList1, FALSE); gwinSetVisible(ghList2, FALSE); gwinSetVisible(ghList3, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghRadio1, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghRadio2, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghRadioWhite, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghRadioBlack, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghRadioYellow, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghList1, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghList2, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghList3, FALSE);
gwinSetVisible(ghImage1, FALSE);
/* Turn on widgets depending on the tab selected */
if (tab == ghTabButtons) {
gwinSetVisible(ghButton1, TRUE); gwinSetVisible(ghButton2, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghButton3, TRUE); gwinSetVisible(ghButton4, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghButton1, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghButton2, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghButton3, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghButton4, TRUE);
} else if (tab == ghTabSliders) {
gwinSetVisible(ghSlider1, TRUE); gwinSetVisible(ghSlider2, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghSlider3, TRUE); gwinSetVisible(ghSlider4, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghSlider1, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghSlider2, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghSlider3, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghSlider4, TRUE);
} else if (tab == ghTabCheckboxes) {
gwinSetVisible(ghCheckbox1, TRUE); gwinSetVisible(ghCheckbox2, TRUE); gwinSetVisible(ghCheckDisableAll, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghCheckbox1, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghCheckbox2, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghCheckDisableAll, TRUE);
} else if (tab == ghTabLabels) {
gwinSetVisible(ghLabel1, TRUE);
} else if (tab == ghTabRadios) {
gwinSetVisible(ghRadio1, TRUE); gwinSetVisible(ghRadio2, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghRadioWhite, TRUE); gwinSetVisible(ghRadioBlack, TRUE); gwinSetVisible(ghRadioYellow, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghRadio1, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghRadio2, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghRadioWhite, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghRadioBlack, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghRadioYellow, TRUE);
} else if (tab == ghTabLists) {
gwinSetVisible(ghList1, TRUE); gwinSetVisible(ghList2, TRUE); gwinSetVisible(ghList3, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghList1, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghList2, TRUE);
gwinSetVisible(ghList3, TRUE);
} else if (tab == ghTabImages) {
gwinSetVisible(ghImage1, TRUE);
@ -246,15 +311,26 @@ static void setTab(GHandle tab) {
* Set the enabled state of every widget (except the tabs etc)
static void setEnabled(bool_t ena) {
gwinSetEnabled(ghButton1, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghButton2, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghButton3, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghButton4, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghSlider1, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghSlider2, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghSlider3, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghSlider4, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghCheckbox1, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghCheckbox2, ena); //gwinSetEnabled(ghCheckDisableAll, TRUE);
gwinSetEnabled(ghButton1, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghButton2, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghButton3, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghButton4, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghSlider1, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghSlider2, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghSlider3, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghSlider4, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghCheckbox1, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghCheckbox2, ena);
//gwinSetEnabled(ghCheckDisableAll, TRUE);
gwinSetEnabled(ghLabel1, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghRadio1, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghRadio2, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghList1, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghList2, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghList3, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghRadioWhite, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghRadioBlack, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghRadioYellow, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghRadio1, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghRadio2, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghList1, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghList2, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghList3, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghRadioWhite, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghRadioBlack, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghRadioYellow, ena);
gwinSetEnabled(ghImage1, ena);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user