/* * console.c * * Created on: 20 Jun 2012 * Author: Thomas Saunders AKA "Badger" */ #include "ch.h" #include "fonts.h" #include "glcd.h" #include "console.h" /* * Interface implementation. The interface is write only */ static size_t writes(void *ip, const uint8_t *bp, size_t n) { return lcdConsoleWrite((GLCDConsole *)ip, bp, n); } static size_t reads(void *ip, uint8_t *bp, size_t n) { (void)ip; (void)bp; (void)n; return 0; } static msg_t put(void *ip, uint8_t b) { return lcdConsolePut((GLCDConsole *)ip, (char)b); } static msg_t get(void *ip) { (void)ip; return RDY_OK; } static msg_t putt(void *ip, uint8_t b, systime_t timeout) { (void)timeout; /* TODO: handle timeout */ return lcdConsolePut((GLCDConsole *)ip, (char)b); } static msg_t gett(void *ip, systime_t timeout) { (void)ip; (void)timeout; return RDY_OK; } static size_t writet(void *ip, const uint8_t *bp, size_t n, systime_t time) { (void)time; return lcdConsoleWrite((GLCDConsole *)ip, bp, n); } static size_t readt(void *ip, uint8_t *bp, size_t n, systime_t time) { (void)ip; (void)bp; (void)n; (void)time; return 0; } static chnflags_t getflags(void *ip) { _chn_get_and_clear_flags_impl(ip); } static const struct GLCDConsoleVMT vmt = { writes, reads, put, get, putt, gett, writet, readt, getflags }; msg_t lcdConsoleInit(GLCDConsole *console, uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, font_t font, uint16_t bkcolor, uint16_t color) { const uint8_t* ptr; uint16_t chi; uint16_t x,y; console->vmt = &vmt; /* read font, get height */ console->fy = font[FONT_TABLE_HEIGHT_IDX]; /* calculate the size of the console as an integer multiple of characters */ console->sx = width; console->sy = (((int16_t)(height/console->fy))-1)*console->fy; console->cx = 0; console->cy = 0; console->x0 = x0; console->y0 = y0; console->bkcolor = bkcolor; console->color = color; console->font = font; lcdFillArea(x0, y0, width, height, console->bkcolor); } msg_t lcdConsolePut(GLCDConsole *console, char c) { uint8_t width; if(c == '\n') { /* clear the text at the end of the line */ if(console->cx < console->sx) lcdFillArea(console->cx, console->cy, console->sx, console->cy + console->fy, console->bkcolor); console->cx = 0; console->cy += console->fy; } else if(c == '\r') { /* TODO: work backwards through the buffer to the start of the current line */ //console->cx = 0; } else { width = lcdMeasureChar(c, console->font); if((console->cx + width) >= console->sx) { /* clear the text at the end of the line */ lcdFillArea(console->cx, console->cy, console->cx + width, console->cy + console->fy, console->bkcolor); console->cx = 0; console->cy += console->fy; } if((console->cy > console->sy)) { lcdVerticalScroll(console->x0, console->y0, console->x0 + console->sx, console->y0 + console->sy + console->fy, console->fy); /* reset the cursor */ console->cx = 0; console->cy = console->sy; } lcdDrawChar(console->x0 + console->cx, console->y0 + console->cy, c, console->font, console->color, console->bkcolor, solid); /* update cursor */ console->cx += width; } } msg_t lcdConsoleWrite(GLCDConsole *console, uint8_t *bp, size_t n) { size_t i; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) lcdConsolePut(console, bp[i]); return RDY_OK; }