Chibios LCD Driver ### checkout Driver code into ext/ cd chibios/ext git clone lcd ### Edit boardfiles: add the following to your board.h file, matching to your pinconfig: #define TP_PORT GPIOC #define TP_IRQ 4 #define TP_CS 6 #define LCD_DATA_PORT_1 GPIOB #define LCD_DATA_PORT_2 GPIOB #define LCD_DATA_PORT_3 GPIOC #define LCD_DATA_PORT_4 GPIOE #define LCD_DATA_PORT_1_BASE 12 #define LCD_DATA_PORT_2_BASE 8 #define LCD_DATA_PORT_3_BASE 4 #define LCD_DATA_PORT_4_BASE 0 #define LCD_CMD_PORT GPIOD #define LCD_CS 12 #define LCD_RS 13 #define LCD_WR 14 #define LCD_RD 15 in this example we use the following pin config for 16-bit GPIO interfacing: GPIOB 8-15 GPIOC 4-7 GPIOE 0-3 ### Edit Makefile: include include $(CHIBIOS)/ext/lcd/ Add $(LCDSRC) to CSRC: CSRC = $(PORTSRC) \ $(KERNSRC) \ $(TESTSRC) \ $(HALSRC) \ $(PLATFORMSRC) \ $(BOARDSRC) \ $(FATFSSRC) \ $(LCDSRC) \ $(CHIBIOS)/os/various/evtimer.c \ $(CHIBIOS)/os/various/syscalls.c Add $(LCDINC) to INCDIR: INCDIR = $(PORTINC) $(KERNINC) $(TESTINC) \ $(HALINC) $(PLATFORMINC) $(BOARDINC) \ $(FATFSINC) \ $(LCDINC) \ $(CHIBIOS)/os/various ../common ### Use 1. include header files wherever you need it. 2. select the controller type you want to use in glcdconf.h ### Maintainer & Contributors Contributors: - Badger - Abhishek Maintainer: - Joel Bodenmann aka Tectu