
The pf_write function writes data to the file.

FRESULT pf_write (
  const void* buff, /* [IN]  Pointer to the data to be written */
  UINT btw,         /* [IN]  Number of bytes to write */
  UINT* bw          /* [OUT] Pointer to the variable to return number of bytes written */


Pointer to the data to be wtitten. A NULL specifies to finalize the current write operation.
Number of bytes to write.
Pointer to the variable to return number of bytes read.

Return Values

FR_OK (0)
The function succeeded.
The function failed due to a hard error in the disk function, write protected, a wrong FAT structure or an internal error.
The file has not been opened.
The volume has not been mounted.


The write function has some restrictions listed below:

File write operation must be done in following sequence.

  1. pf_lseek(ofs); read/write pointer must be moved to sector bundary prior to initiate write operation or it will be rounded-down to the sector boundary.
  2. pf_write(buff, btw, &bw); Initiate write operation. Write first data to the file.
  3. pf_write(buff, btw, &bw); Write next data. Any other file function cannot be used while a write operation is in progress.
  4. pf_write(0, 0, &bw); Finalize the write operation. If read/write pointer is not on the sector boundary, left bytes in the sector will be filled with zero.

The read/write pointer in the file system object advances in number of bytes written. After the function succeeded, *bw should be checked to detect end of file. In case of *bw < btw, it means the read/write pointer reached end of file during the write operation. Once a write operation is initiated, it must be finalized or the written data can be lost.


Available when _USE_WRITE == 1.


pf_open, FATFS
