#include "glcd.h" #include "glcdWorker.h" #define EMSG(a) const struct a *emsg = (const struct a*)msg uint16_t lcd_width, lcd_height; static Thread *workerThread = NULL; /* internal functions; don't include in header */ inline glcd_result_t _lcdFillArea(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t color); inline glcd_result_t _lcdWriteArea(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t *buffer, size_t n); glcd_result_t _lcdDrawChar(struct glcd_msg_draw_char *m); static WORKING_AREA(waGLCDWorkerThread, GLCD_WORKER_SIZE); static msg_t ThreadGLCDWorker(void *arg) { (void)arg; Thread *p; chRegSetThreadName("GLCDWorker"); while(TRUE) { /* Wait for msg with work to do. */ p = chMsgWait(); struct glcd_msg_base *msg = (struct glcd_msg_base*)chMsgGet(p); glcd_result_t result = GLCD_PROGRESS; /* do work here */ switch(msg->action) { case GLCD_SET_POWERMODE: { EMSG(glcd_msg_powermode); lld_lcdSetPowerMode(emsg->powermode); result = GLCD_DONE; break; } case GLCD_SET_ORIENTATION: { EMSG(glcd_msg_orientation); lld_lcdSetOrientation(emsg->newOrientation); result = GLCD_DONE; break; } case GLCD_SET_WINDOW: { EMSG(glcd_msg_set_window); lld_lcdSetWindow(emsg->x0, emsg->y0, emsg->x1, emsg->y1); result = GLCD_DONE; break; } case GLCD_FILL_AREA: { EMSG(glcd_msg_fill_area); result = _lcdFillArea(emsg->x0, emsg->y0, emsg->x1, emsg->y1, emsg->color); break; } case GLCD_WRITE_AREA: { EMSG(glcd_msg_write_area); result = _lcdWriteArea(emsg->x0, emsg->y0, emsg->x1, emsg->y1, emsg->buffer, emsg->size); break; } case GLCD_CLEAR: { EMSG(glcd_msg_clear); lld_lcdClear(emsg->color); result = GLCD_DONE; break; } case GLCD_GET_PIXEL_COLOR: { EMSG(glcd_msg_get_pixel_color); ((struct glcd_msg_get_pixel_color *)emsg)->color = lld_lcdGetPixelColor(emsg->x, emsg->y); result = GLCD_DONE; break; } case GLCD_DRAW_PIXEL: { EMSG(glcd_msg_draw_pixel); lld_lcdDrawPixel(emsg->x, emsg->y, emsg->color); result = GLCD_DONE; break; } case GLCD_WRITE_STREAM_START: { lld_lcdWriteStreamStart(); result = GLCD_DONE; break; } case GLCD_WRITE_STREAM_STOP: { lld_lcdWriteStreamStop(); result = GLCD_DONE; break; } case GLCD_WRITE_STREAM: { EMSG(glcd_msg_write_stream); lld_lcdWriteStream(emsg->buffer, emsg->size); result = GLCD_DONE; break; } case GLCD_VERTICAL_SCROLL: { EMSG(glcd_msg_vertical_scroll); lld_lcdVerticalScroll(emsg->x0, emsg->y0, emsg->x1, emsg->y1, emsg->lines); result = GLCD_DONE; break; } case GLCD_DRAW_CHAR: { EMSG(glcd_msg_draw_char); result = _lcdDrawChar(emsg); break; } default: { result = GLCD_FAILED; break; } } /* Done, release msg again. */ chMsgRelease(p, (msg_t)result); } return 0; } void lcdInit(GLCDDriver *glcdp) { workerThread = chThdCreateStatic(waGLCDWorkerThread, sizeof(waGLCDWorkerThread), NORMALPRIO, ThreadGLCDWorker, NULL); lld_lcdInit(); lcd_width = lcdGetWidth(); lcd_height = lcdGetHeight(); lcdSetPowerMode(powerOn); lcdSetOrientation(portrait); } uint16_t lcdGetHeight(void) { return lld_lcdGetHeight(); } uint16_t lcdGetWidth(void) { return lld_lcdGetWidth(); } uint16_t lcdGetOrientation(void) { return lld_lcdGetOrientation(); } glcd_result_t lcdSetPowerMode(uint8_t powerMode) { struct glcd_msg_powermode msg; msg.action = GLCD_SET_POWERMODE; msg.powermode = powerMode; return (glcd_result_t)chMsgSend(workerThread, (msg_t)&msg); } glcd_result_t lcdSetOrientation(uint8_t newOrientation) { struct glcd_msg_orientation msg; msg.action = GLCD_SET_ORIENTATION; msg.newOrientation = newOrientation; return (glcd_result_t)chMsgSend(workerThread, (msg_t)&msg); } glcd_result_t lcdSetWindow(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1) { struct glcd_msg_set_window msg; msg.action = GLCD_SET_WINDOW; msg.x0 = x0; msg.y0 = y0; msg.x1 = x1; msg.y1 = y1; return (glcd_result_t)chMsgSend(workerThread, (msg_t)&msg); } glcd_result_t lcdFillArea(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t color) { struct glcd_msg_fill_area msg; msg.action = GLCD_FILL_AREA; msg.x0 = x0; msg.y0 = y0; msg.x1 = x1; msg.y1 = y1; msg.color = color; return (glcd_result_t)chMsgSend(workerThread, (msg_t)&msg); } inline glcd_result_t _lcdFillArea(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t color) { lld_lcdFillArea(x0, y0, x1, y1, color); return GLCD_DONE; } glcd_result_t lcdWriteArea(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t *buffer, size_t n) { struct glcd_msg_write_area msg; msg.action = GLCD_WRITE_AREA; msg.x0 = x0; msg.y0 = y0; msg.x1 = x1; msg.y1 = y1; msg.buffer = buffer; msg.size = n; return (glcd_result_t)chMsgSend(workerThread, (msg_t)&msg); } inline glcd_result_t _lcdWriteArea(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t *buffer, size_t n) { lld_lcdSetWindow(x0, y0, x1, y1); lld_lcdWriteStreamStart(); lld_lcdWriteStream(buffer, n); lld_lcdWriteStreamStop(); return GLCD_DONE; } glcd_result_t lcdClear(uint16_t color) { struct glcd_msg_clear msg; msg.action = GLCD_CLEAR; msg.color = color; return (glcd_result_t)chMsgSend(workerThread, (msg_t)&msg); } uint16_t lcdGetPixelColor(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { struct glcd_msg_get_pixel_color msg; msg.action = GLCD_GET_PIXEL_COLOR; msg.x = x; msg.y = y; chMsgSend(workerThread, (msg_t)&msg); return msg.color; } glcd_result_t lcdDrawPixel(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t color) { struct glcd_msg_draw_pixel msg; msg.action = GLCD_DRAW_PIXEL; msg.x = x; msg.y = y; msg.color = color; return (glcd_result_t)chMsgSend(workerThread, (msg_t)&msg); } glcd_result_t lcdWriteStreamStart(void) { struct glcd_msg_write_stream_start msg; msg.action = GLCD_WRITE_STREAM_START; return (glcd_result_t)chMsgSend(workerThread, (msg_t)&msg); } glcd_result_t lcdWriteStreamStop(void) { struct glcd_msg_write_stream_stop msg; msg.action = GLCD_WRITE_STREAM_STOP; return (glcd_result_t)chMsgSend(workerThread, (msg_t)&msg); } glcd_result_t lcdWriteStream(uint16_t *buffer, uint16_t size) { struct glcd_msg_write_stream msg; msg.action = GLCD_WRITE_STREAM; msg.buffer = buffer; msg.size = size; return (glcd_result_t)chMsgSend(workerThread, (msg_t)&msg); } glcd_result_t lcdVerticalScroll(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t lines) { struct glcd_msg_vertical_scroll msg; msg.action = GLCD_VERTICAL_SCROLL; msg.x0 = x0; msg.y0 = y0; msg.x1 = x1; msg.y1 = y1; msg.lines = lines; return (glcd_result_t)chMsgSend(workerThread, (msg_t)&msg); } void lcdDrawLine(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t color) { // speed improvement if vertical or horizontal if(x0 == x1) { lcdFillArea(x0, y0, x0+1, y1, color); } else if (y0 == y1) { lcdFillArea(x0, y0, x1, y0+1, color); } else { int16_t dy, dx; int16_t addx = 1, addy = 1; int16_t P, diff; int16_t i = 0; dx = abs((int16_t)(x1 - x0)); dy = abs((int16_t)(y1 - y0)); if(x0 > x1) addx = -1; if(y0 > y1) addy = -1; if(dx >= dy) { dy *= 2; P = dy - dx; diff = P - dx; for(; i<=dx; ++i) { lcdDrawPixel(x0, y0, color); if(P < 0) { P += dy; x0 += addx; } else { P += diff; x0 += addx; y0 += addy; } } } else { dx *= 2; P = dx - dy; diff = P - dy; for(; i<=dy; ++i) { lcdDrawPixel(x0, y0, color); if(P < 0) { P += dx; y0 += addy; } else { P += diff; x0 += addx; y0 += addy; } } } } } uint16_t lcdDrawChar(uint16_t cx, uint16_t cy, char c, font_t font, uint16_t color, uint16_t bkcolor, bool_t tpText) { struct glcd_msg_draw_char msg; msg.action = GLCD_DRAW_CHAR; msg.cx = cx; msg.cy = cy; msg.c = c; msg.font = font; msg.color = color; msg.bkcolor = bkcolor; msg.tpText = tpText; msg.ret_width = 0; chMsgSend(workerThread, (msg_t)&msg); return msg.ret_width; } glcd_result_t _lcdDrawChar(struct glcd_msg_draw_char *m) { /* Working pointer */ const uint8_t* ptr; uint8_t x, y; /* Variables to store character details */ uint8_t charWidth; uint8_t charHeight = lcdGetFontHeight(m->font); uint8_t padAfterChar = m->font[FONT_TABLE_PAD_AFTER_CHAR_IDX]; /* Local var to hold offset in font table */ uint16_t charStartOffset; /* Working buffer for fast non-transparent text rendering [patch by Badger] */ static uint16_t buf[20*16]; /* No support for nongraphic characters, so just ignore them */ if(m->c < 0x20 || m->c > 0x7F) { return GLCD_DONE; } /* Read the offset of the character data in the font table from the lookup table */ charStartOffset = *(uint16_t*)(&m->font[FONT_TABLE_CHAR_LOOKUP_IDX + (m->c - 0x20) * 2]); /* After we're done, position the pointer at the offset. * The first byte that is immediately read will be the font width * After that, actual 16-bit font data follows, first column down */ ptr = m->font + charStartOffset; charWidth = *(ptr++); /* Loop through the data and display. The font data is LSB first, down the column */ for(x = 0; x < charWidth; x++) { /* Get the font bitmap data for the column */ uint16_t charData = *(uint16_t*)ptr; for(y = 0; y < charHeight; y++) { /* Draw the LSB on the screen accordingly. */ if(!m->tpText) { /* Store data into working buffer (patch by Badger), * Then write it all onto the LCD in one stroke */ buf[y*charWidth + x] = (charData & 0x01) ? m->color : m->bkcolor; } else { /* Just draw the needed pixels onto the LCD */ if (charData & 0x01) lcdDrawPixel(m->cx+x, m->cy+y, m->color); } /* Shift the data down by one bit */ charData >>= 1; } /* Increment pointer by 2 bytes to the next column */ ptr += 2; } if(!m->tpText) { /* [Patch by Badger] Write all in one stroke */ _lcdWriteArea(m->cx, m->cy, m->cx+charWidth, m->cy+charHeight, buf, charWidth*charHeight); /* Do padding after character, if needed for solid text rendering * TODO: To be optimised */ if (padAfterChar != 0) { _lcdFillArea(m->cx+charWidth, m->cy+charHeight, m->cx+charWidth+padAfterChar, m->cy+charHeight, m->bkcolor); } } /* Return the width of the character, we need it so that lcdDrawString may work * We don't have a static address counter */ m->ret_width = charWidth + padAfterChar; return GLCD_DONE; } /* WARNING: No boundary checks! Unpredictable behaviour if text exceeds boundary */ void lcdDrawString(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, const char *str, font_t font, uint16_t color, uint16_t bkcolor, bool_t tpText) { uint16_t cx = x, cy = y; while (*str) { cx += lcdDrawChar(cx, cy, *str++, font, color, bkcolor, tpText); } } uint16_t lcdMeasureChar(char c, font_t font) { /* Variables to store character details */ uint8_t charWidth; uint8_t padAfterChar = font[FONT_TABLE_PAD_AFTER_CHAR_IDX]; /* Local var to hold offset in font table */ uint16_t charStartOffset; /* No support for nongraphic characters, so just ignore them */ if(c < 0x20 || c > 0x7F) { return 0; } /* Read the offset of the character data in the font table from the lookup table */ charStartOffset = *(uint16_t*)(&font[FONT_TABLE_CHAR_LOOKUP_IDX + (c - 0x20) * 2]); /* Retrurn the byte at the offset, that's our charWidth */ charWidth = *(font + charStartOffset); return charWidth+padAfterChar; } uint16_t lcdMeasureString(const char *str, font_t font) { uint16_t result = 0; /* Measure each char width, add it, return the result */ while (*str) result += lcdMeasureChar(*str++, font); return result; } uint16_t lcdBGR2RGB(uint16_t color) { uint16_t r, g, b, rgb; b = ( color>>0 ) & 0x1f; g = ( color>>5 ) & 0x3f; r = ( color>>11 ) & 0x1f; rgb = (b<<11) + (g<<5) + (r<<0); return( rgb ); } void lcdDrawRect(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint8_t filled, uint16_t color) { uint16_t i, TempX; uint16_t j, TempY; if (x0 > x1) { TempX = x1; x1 = x0; x0 = TempX; } if (y0 > y1) { TempY = y1; y1 = y0; y0 = TempY; } if(filled) { lcdFillArea(x0, y0, x1, y1, color); } else { lcdDrawLine(x0, y0, x1, y0, color); lcdDrawLine(x0, y1, x1, y1, color); lcdDrawLine(x0, y0, x0, y1, color); lcdDrawLine(x1, y0, x1, y1, color); } } void lcdDrawRectString(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, const char* str, font_t font, uint16_t fontColor, uint16_t bkColor) { uint16_t off_left, off_up; off_left = ((x1-x0)-lcdMeasureString(str, font))/2; off_up = ((y1-y0) - lcdGetFontHeight(font)) / 2; lcdDrawRect(x0, y0, x1, y1, 1, bkColor); /* Abhishek: default to solid text for this? */ lcdDrawString(x0+off_left, y0+off_up, str, font, fontColor, bkColor, solid); } void lcdDrawCircle(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t radius, uint8_t filled, uint16_t color) { int16_t a, b, P; a = 0; b = radius; P = 1 - radius; do { if(filled) { lcdDrawLine(x-a, y+b, x+a, y+b, color); lcdDrawLine(x-a, y-b, x+a, y-b, color); lcdDrawLine(x-b, y+a, x+b, y+a, color); lcdDrawLine(x-b, y-a, x+b, y-a, color); } else { lcdDrawPixel(a+x, b+y, color); lcdDrawPixel(b+x, a+y, color); lcdDrawPixel(x-a, b+y, color); lcdDrawPixel(x-b, a+y, color); lcdDrawPixel(b+x, y-a, color); lcdDrawPixel(a+x, y-b, color); lcdDrawPixel(x-a, y-b, color); lcdDrawPixel(x-b, y-a, color); } if(P < 0) P += 3 + 2*a++; else P += 5 + 2*(a++ - b--); } while(a <= b); } void lcdDrawEllipse(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t a, uint16_t b, uint8_t filled, uint16_t color) { int dx = 0, dy = b; /* im I. Quadranten von links oben nach rechts unten */ long a2 = a*a, b2 = b*b; long err = b2-(2*b-1)*a2, e2; /* Fehler im 1. Schritt */ do { if(filled){ lcdDrawLine(x-dx,y+dy,x+dx,y+dy, color); lcdDrawLine(x-dx,y-dy,x+dx,y-dy, color); }else{ lcdDrawPixel(x+dx, y+dy, color); /* I. Quadrant */ lcdDrawPixel(x-dx, y+dy, color); /* II. Quadrant */ lcdDrawPixel(x-dx, y-dy, color); /* III. Quadrant */ lcdDrawPixel(x+dx, y-dy, color); /* IV. Quadrant */ } e2 = 2*err; if(e2 < (2*dx+1)*b2) { dx++; err += (2*dx+1)*b2; } if(e2 > -(2*dy-1)*a2) { dy--; err -= (2*dy-1)*a2; } } while(dy >= 0); while(dx++ < a) { /* fehlerhafter Abbruch bei flachen Ellipsen (b=1) */ lcdDrawPixel(x+dx, y, color); /* -> Spitze der Ellipse vollenden */ lcdDrawPixel(x-dx, y, color); } }