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<title>Petit FatFs - pf_mount</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The pf_mount fucntion mounts a volume.</p>
FRESULT pf_mount (
FATFS* <span class="arg">fs</span> <span class="c">/* [IN] Pointer to the work area */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to the work area (file system object) to be registered.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>The drive could not be initialized due to a disk error or no medium.</dd>
<dd>An error occured in the disk function.</dd>
<dd>There is no valid FAT partition on the disk.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The <tt>pf_mount()</tt> function registers a work area to the Petit FatFs module. The volume is mounted on registration. The volume must be mounted with this function prior to any other file function and after every media changes.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Always available.</p>
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<p><tt><a href="sfatfs.html">FATFS</a></tt></p>
<p class="foot"><a href="../00index_p.html">Return</a></p>