2013-06-15 21:09:02 +10:00

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* This file is subject to the terms of the GFX License. If a copy of
* the license was not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at:
* @file include/tdisp/tdisp.h
* @brief TDISP Graphic Driver subsystem header file.
* @addtogroup TDISP
* @details The TDISP module provides high level abstraction to interface pixel oriented graphic displays.
* Due the TDISP module is completely encapsulated from the other modules, it's very fast and lightweight.
* @pre GFX_USE_TDISP must be set to TRUE in gfxconf.h
* @{
#ifndef _TDISP_H
#define _TDISP_H
#include "gfx.h"
#if GFX_USE_TDISP || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
* @brief TDISP cursor shape definitions
typedef enum cursorshape_e {
} cursorshape;
* @brief TDISP display mode
* @details Display on of off definitions
typedef enum displaymode_e {
} displaymode;
* @brief TDISP cursor movement
* @details Definitions for increasing or decreasing the cursor position after writing a character to
* the display.
typedef enum movemode_e {
} movemode;
* @brief TDISP cursor shift mode
* @details Definitions if the contents of the whole display shifts when writing a character to the display.
* The cursor stays at the same position.
typedef enum cursorshiftmode_e {
} shiftmode;
* @brief TDISP display scroll mode
* @details Definitions for scrolling the whole contents of the display to the right or left.
* @note Do not use this defintions with @p tdispControl, use the tdispScroll() function. That high-level
* function is easier to use, and the scrollspeed can be defined.
typedef enum displayscrollmode_e {
} displayscrollmode;
* @name TDISP control values
* @note The low level driver may define extra control values
* @{
#define TDISP_CTRL_DISPLAY 0x0000
#define TDISP_CTRL_CURSOR 0x0001
#define TDISP_CTRL_MOVE 0x0002
#define TDISP_CTRL_SHIFT 0x0003
// #define TDISP_CTRL_SCROLL 0x0004
/** @} */
* @brief The TDISP structure definition
* @details This structure contains the physical dimensions of the display, the
* dimensions of a character in pixels and the maximum number of
* custom characters that can be written to the display.
typedef struct tdispStruct_t {
coord_t columns, rows;
coord_t charBitsX, charBitsY;
uint16_t maxCustomChars;
} tdispStruct;
* @brief The TDISP structure
extern tdispStruct TDISP;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @brief TDISP driver initialisation
* @note This function is not implicitly invoked by @p halInit().
* It must be called manually.
* @return TRUE if success, FALSE otherwise
* @init
bool_t tdispInit(void);
* @brief Clears the display
* @details The display gets cleared and the cursor is set in the home position ( 0, 0 )
void tdispClear(void);
* @brief Sets the cursor to it's home position ( 0, 0 )
void tdispHome(void);
* @brief Set cursor to a specified position
* @param[in] col The column (x)
* @param[in] row The row (y)
void tdispSetCursor(coord_t col, coord_t row);
* @brief Store a custom character into the display
* @note This usually must be done after each power-up since most
* LCDs lose their RAM content.
* @param[in] address On which address to store the character from 0 up to (@p tdispGetNumCustomChars() - 1)
* @param[in] charmap The character to be stored.
* @note The charmap is made up of @p tdispGetCharBitHieght() data values. Each data value is
* made up of @p tdispGetCharBitWidth() bits of data. Note that bits in multiple rows are not
* packed.
void tdispCreateChar(uint8_t address, uint8_t *charmap);
* @brief Draws a single character at the current cursor position and advances the cursor
* @param[in] c The character to be drawn
* @note Writing past the end of a row leaves the cursor in an undefined position.
void tdispDrawChar(char c);
* @brief Draws a string at the current cursor position and advances the cursor
* @param[in] s The string to be drawn
* @note Any characters written past the end of a row may or may not be displayed on
* the next row. The cursor is also left in an undefined position.
void tdispDrawString(char *s);
* @brief Scrolls the display to the left or right by an amout of positions with a certain delay between each position
* @param[in] direction defines which direction the display has to scroll
* displayScrollLeft: scrolls the display to the left
* displayScrollRight: scrolls the display to the right
* @param[in] amount Defines the amout of characters the display must be scrolled
* @param[in] delay Defines the delay time in milliseconds between each position of the scroll. With this option the scroll can be made
* visible to the user. If you define 0, the scroll will be to fast to observe.
void tdispScroll(uint16_t direction, uint16_t amount, uint16_t delay);
* @brief Set the backlight using PWM-driver
* @param[in] percentage Sets the brightness of the display in %.
* 0% = backlight is off or very low
* 100% = backlight is set to full brightness
void tdispSetBacklight(uint16_t percentage);
* @brief Control different display properties
* @note A wrapper macro exists for each option, please use them
* instead of this function manually unless calling a low
* level driver specific value.
* @param[in] what What you want to control
* @param[in] value The value to be assigned
void tdispControl(uint16_t what, uint16_t value);
* @brief Set cursor move mode
* @param[in] mode Set if the cursor position increases or decreases everytime a character is entered.
* mode = cursorIncrease increases the cursor position
* mode = cursorDecrease decreases the cursor position
* @note cursorIncrease is default after initialisation of the display.
#define tdispSetMoveMode(mode) tdispControl(TDISP_CTRL_MOVE, (movemode)(mode))
* @brief Set display shift mode
* @param[in] mode Shifts the display when entering characters. The cursor position stays the same.
* mode = shiftOn shifts the display when writing a character to the display
* mode = shiftOff shrift the cursor when writing a character to the display
* @note shiftOff is default after initialisation of the display.
#define tdispSetShiftMode(mode) tdispControl(TDISP_CTRL_SHIFT, (shiftmode)(mode))
* @brief Set display mode
* @param[in] mode Sets the display on or off.
* mode = displayOn puts the display on
* mode = displayOff puts the display off
* @note displayOn is default after initialisation of the display
#define tdispDisplayMode(mode) tdispControl(TDISP_CTRL_DISPLAY, (displaymode)(mode))
* @brief Set the cursor shape.
* @param[in] shape The shape to set the cursor.
* Valid shapes are:
* cursorOff = hide cursor
* cursorBlock = show cursor as a block
* cursorBlinkingBlock = show cursor as a blinking block
* cursorUnderline = show a cursor as a thin line under a character
* cursorBlinkingUnderline = show a cursor as a blinking thin line under a character
* cursorBar = show a cursor as a thin vertical bar near a character
* cursorBlinkingBar = show a cursor as a blinking thin vertical bar near a character
* @note Not all shapes are necessarily supported. The driver will make a similar
* choice if the one specified is not available.
#define tdispSetCursorShape(shape) tdispControl(TDISP_CTRL_CURSOR, (cursorshape)(shape))
* @brief Get the number of columns (width) in the display
* @result The number of columns in the display.
#define tdispGetColumns() (TDISP.columns)
* @brief Get the number of rows (height) in the display
* @result The number of rows in the display
#define tdispGetRows() (TDISP.columns)
* @brief Get the number of bits in width of a character
* @result The number of bits in width of a character
#define tdispGetCharBitWidth() (TDISP.charBitsX)
* @brief Get the number of bits in height of a character
* @result The number of bits in height of a character
#define tdispGetCharBitHeight() (TDISP.charBitsY)
* @brief Get the number of custom characters
* @result The maximum number of custom characters that can be programmed into the display
#define tdispGetNumCustomChars() (TDISP.maxCustomChars)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* GFX_USE_TDISP */
#endif /* _TDISP_H */
/** @} */