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* This file is subject to the terms of the GFX License. If a copy of
* the license was not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at:
#ifndef _GOS_ECOS_H
#define _GOS_ECOS_H
#include <cyg/hal/hal_arch.h>
#include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* Type definitions */
#define gDelayNone 0
#define gDelayForever 0xFFFFFFFF
typedef cyg_ucount32 gDelay;
typedef cyg_tick_count_t gTicks;
typedef cyg_count32 gSemcount;
typedef void gThreadreturn;
typedef cyg_addrword_t gThreadpriority;
typedef cyg_handle_t gThread;
#define gSemMaxCount 0x7FFFFFFF
#define gThreadpriorityLow (CYGNUM_KERNEL_SCHED_PRIORITIES-2)
#define gThreadpriorityNormal (CYGNUM_KERNEL_SCHED_PRIORITIES/2)
#define gThreadpriorityHigh 0
#define GFX_THREAD_STACK(name, sz) struct { cyg_thread t; unsigned char stk[(sz) & ~3]; } name[1]
#define GFX_THREAD_FUNCTION(fnName, param) gThreadreturn fnName(cyg_addrword_t param)
#define gfxThreadReturn(retval) return
typedef struct {
cyg_sem_t sem;
gSemcount limit;
} gSem;
typedef cyg_mutex_t gMutex;
/* Function declarations. */
#define gfxSystemTicks() cyg_current_time()
#define gfxExit() exit(0)
#define gfxHalt(msg) exit(-1)
#define gfxYield() cyg_thread_yield()
#define gfxMillisecondsToTicks(ms) (((ms)*(CYGNUM_HAL_RTC_DENOMINATOR*1000))/(CYGNUM_HAL_RTC_NUMERATOR/1000))
void gfxSleepMilliseconds(gDelay ms);
void gfxSleepMicroseconds(gDelay ms);
#define gfxAlloc(sz) malloc(sz)
#define gfxFree(ptr) free(ptr)
#define gfxRealloc(ptr, oldsz, newsz) realloc(ptr, newsz)
#define gfxSystemLock() cyg_scheduler_lock()
#define gfxSystemUnlock() cyg_scheduler_unlock()
#define gfxMutexInit(pmutex) cyg_mutex_init(pmutex)
#define gfxMutexExit(pmutex) cyg_mutex_unlock(pmutex)
#define gfxMutexDestroy(pmutex) cyg_mutex_destroy(pmutex)
#define gfxMutexEnter(pmutex) cyg_mutex_lock(pmutex)
void gfxSemInit(gSem *psem, gSemcount val, gSemcount limit);
void gfxSemDestroy(gSem *psem);
gBool gfxSemWait(gSem *psem, gDelay ms);
gBool gfxSemWaitI(gSem *psem);
void gfxSemSignal(gSem *psem);
void gfxSemSignalI(gSem *psem);
gThread gfxThreadCreate(void *stackarea, gMemSize stacksz, gThreadpriority prio, GFX_THREAD_FUNCTION((*fn),p), void *param);
#define gfxThreadWait(thread) NOTIMPLEMENTED_YET
#define gfxThreadMe() cyg_thread_self()
#define gfxThreadClose(thread) (void)thread
#endif /* GFX_USE_OS_ECOS */
#endif /* _GOS_ECOS_H */