<p>The f_getcwd function retrieves the current directory.</p>
FRESULT f_getcwd (
TCHAR* <spanclass="arg">buff</span>, <spanclass="c">/* [OUT] Buffer to return path name */</span>
UINT <spanclass="arg">len</span><spanclass="c">/* [IN] The length of the buffer */</span>
<divclass="para arg">
<dd>Pointer to the buffer to receive the current directory string.</dd>
<dd>Size of the buffer in unit of TCHAR.</dd>
<divclass="para ret">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<divclass="para desc">
<p>The <tt>f_getcwd()</tt> function retrieves full path name of the current directory of the current drive. When <tt>_VOLUMES</tt> is larger than 1, a logical drive number is added to top of the path name.</p>