
291 lines
8.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-04-25 14:57:36 +10:00
* This file is subject to the terms of the GPL License.
#ifndef _SSD1848_H
#define _SSD1848_H
* Set the start column address by X5X4X3X2X1X0
* Set the end column address by Y5Y4Y3Y2Y1Y0
* Column address = 00000000b (POR)
* Column address is in a range of 0~32 (0x00~0x20).
#define SSD1848_HV_COLUMN_ADDRESS 0x15
* Set the start page address by X7X6X5X4X3X2X1X0
* Set the end page address by Y7Y6Y5Y4Y3Y2Y1Y0
* Page address = 00000000b (POR)
* Page address is in a range of 0~129 (0x00~0x81).
#define SSD1848_HV_PAGE_ADDRESS 0x75
* X2 X1 X0 ROW0ROW64 ROW65ROW129
* 0 0 0 COM0 ->COM64 COM65-> COM129(POR)
* 0 0 1 COM0->COM64 COM129<-COM65
* 0 1 0 COM64<-COM0 COM65->COM129
* 0 1 1 COM64<-COM0 COM129<-COM65
* a) Normal or Reverse page/column/RAM access/scan
* directions
* P10 = 0: set page address to normal display (POR)
* P10 = 1: set page address to inverse display
* P11 = 0: set column address to normal rotation (POR)
* P11 = 1: set column address to inverse rotation
* P12 = 0: set scan direction to column scan(POR)
* P12 = 1: set scan direction to page scan
* P13 = 0: set normal scan direction (POR)
* P13 = 1: set inverse scan direction
* b) Gray-scale setting
* X = Light gray PWM count (POR 5 counts)
* Y = Dark gray PWM count (POR 10 counts)
* P22P21P20 = X -1 (POR 100)
* P25P24P23 = Y - X - 1 (POR 100)
* Remark: Y-X8
* # Remarks: The PWM count for White and Black are 0 and 15 respectively.
* P30 = 0: PWM (POR)
* P34 = 0:
* White | Light Gray | Dark Gray | Black
* 0% | 33% | 66% | 100%
* P34 = 1:
* White | Light Gray | Dark Gray | Black
* 0% | X/15 | Y/15 | 100%
* P30 = 1: FRC
* P31 = 0: 3-frame FRC (POR)
* White | Light Gray | Dark Gray | Black
* 0% | 33% | 66% | 100%
* P31 = 1: 4-frame FRC
* P33 P32 | White | Light Gray | Dark Gray | Black
* 00(POR) | 0% | 25% | 75% | 100%
* 01 | 0% | 50% | 75% | 100%
* 10 | 0% | 25% | 50% | 100%
* 11 | Reserved
/* @
* Driver duty selection
* Select driver duty from 1/16 to 1/128. As Y5Y4Y3Y2Y1Y0 is increased
* from 000011b to 011111b, the number of display lines, N is increased
* at the same rating. To specify the Y5Y4Y3Y2Y1Y0 = (N/4)-1 where 1/N
* is the driver duty.
* Y5Y4Y3Y2Y1Y0 = 100000b for 1/130 duty.
#define SSD1848_SETDISP_CTRL 0xCA
/* @
* X0=0: turns off the reference voltage generator (POR)
* X0=1: turns on the reference voltage generator
* X1=0: turns off the internal regulator and voltage follower (POR)
* X1=1: turns on the internal regulator and voltage follower
* Select booster level
* X4 X3 X2 Boost level
* 0 0 0 4X
* 0 0 1 5X
* 0 1 0 6X (POR)
* 0 1 1 7X
#define SSD1848_SETPOWER_CTRL 0x20
* a) Select contrast level from 64 contrast steps Contrast increases
* as X5X4X3X2X1X0 is increased from 000000b to 111111b.
* X5X4X3X2X1X0 = 100000b (POR)
* b) The internal regulator gain (1+R2/R1) VOUT increases as Y2Y1Y0
* is increased from 000b to 111b.
* The factor, 1+R2/R1, is given by:
* Y2Y1Y0 = 000: 3.38 (POR)
* Y2Y1Y0 = 001: 4.41
* Y2Y1Y0 = 010: 5.44
* Y2Y1Y0 = 011: 6.47
* Y2Y1Y0 = 100: 7.50
* Y2Y1Y0 = 101: 8.52
* Y2Y1Y0 = 110: 9.55
* Y2Y1Y0 = 111: 10.58
#define SSD1848_SETCONTRAST 0x81
* X7X6X5X4X3X2X1X0 : End COM Address = 00000000b (POR)
#define SSD1848_EXIT_PARTIAL_DISP 0xA9
#define SSD1848_DISPLAYOFF 0xAE
#define SSD1848_DISPLAYON 0xAF
#define SSD1848_EXITSLEEP 0x94
#define SSD1848_ENTERSLEEP 0x95
* VOUT average temperature gradients
* X1 X0 Average Temperature
* Gradient [%/oC]
* 0 0 -0.01 (POR)
* 0 1 -0.06
#define SSD1848_TEMP_COMPENSATION 0x82
* Enter the "write display data mode" by executing
* the command 01011100b. The following byte is
* used to specify the data byte to be written to the
* GDDRAM directly.
* The D/C bit should be stated at logic "1" during the
* display data is written to the GDDRAM.
#define SSD1848_WRITE_DISP_DATA 0x5C
* Allow user to set bias from 1/ 4 to 1/13
* B3B2B1B0 Bias ratio
* 1 0 0 1 1/4 bias
* 1 0 0 0 1/5 bias
* 0 1 1 1 1/6 bias
* 0 1 1 0 1/7 bias
* 0 1 0 1 1/8 bias
* 0 1 0 0 1/9 bias
* 0 0 1 1 1/10 bias
* 0 0 1 0 1/11 bias
* 0 0 0 1 1/12 bias
* 0 0 0 0 1/13 bias (POR)
* L0 Lock and unlock Cmd
* 0 unlock (POR)
* 1 lock and no more cmd/data is written to driver
* The 2nd byte is sent as Cmd if L0 is set to 1
* This command uses to change the frame
* frequency; set the N-line inversion and N-line
* inversion mode
* X0 = 1 (POR) X0 = 0
* F4F3F2F1F0
* 00000 : 56.4 Hz (POR) 64Hz
* 00111 : +10.1% +11.8%
* 01000 : +10.7% +15.2%
* 01001 : +12.5% +15.2%
* 01010 : +14.1% +20.6%
* 01011 : +16.1% +20.6%
* 01100 : +17.4% +25.9%
* 01101 : +19.5% +25.9%
* 01110 : +21.4% +32.9%
* 01111 : +23.7% +32.9%
* 10000 : +24.6% +37.4%
* 10001 : +27.1% +37.4%
* 10010 : +29.2% +46.0%
* 10011 : +31.8% +46.0%
* 10100 : +33.6% +54.6%
* 10101 : +36.5% +54.6%
* 10110 : +39.0% +66.9%
* 10111 : +42.2% +66.9%
* 11000 : +43.2% +75.8%
* 11001 : +46.6% +75.8%
* 11010 : +49.7% +94.0%
* Remark: The frame frequency is typical value
* for 130mux and PWM mode.
* The second byte data N5N4N3N2N1N0 sets the nline
* inversion register from 2 to 64 lines to
* reduce display crosstalk. Register values from
* 000001b to 111111b are mapped to 2 lines to 64
* lines respectively. Value 00000b disables the Nline
* inversion. 010000 is the POR value. To
* avoid a fix polarity at some lines, it should be
* noted that the total number of mux should NOT
* be a multiple of the lines of inversion (n).
* N6
* 0 reset n-line counter per frame (POR)
* 1 will not reset n-line counter per frame
#define SSD1848_DUAL_OPT_SET 0xF6
#define SSD1848_SET_BLACK_WHITE 0xF7
#define SSD1848_OTP 0xF8
#define SSD1848_NORMALDISPLAY 0xA6
#define SSD1848_INVERTDISPLAY 0xA7
* This command specifies 1st Com line function. Byte A specifies the first
* display line which the graphic start to display. At POR, the 1st Com line
* is set to 00000000b (0 lines).
#define SSD1848_SETSTARTLINE 0x44
/* Scrolling #defines */
* a) Top Block Address
* X7X6X5X4X3X2X1X0 is used to specify the row
* address at the top of the scrolling area.
* Top row address = 00000000b (POR)
* b) Bottom Block Address
* Y7Y6Y5Y4Y3Y2Y1Y0 is used to specify the row
* address at the bottom of the scrolling area.
* Bottom row address = 00000000b (POR)
* c) Number of specified Blocks
* The number of specified blocks = Number of (Top
* fixed area + Scroll area) blocks 1. If bottom scroll
* or whole screen scroll mode is chosen, the number
* of specified blocks is set to Z7Z6Z5Z4Z3Z2Z1Z0
* Number of specified blocks = 00000000b (POR)
* d) Area Scroll Mode
* There are four types of area scroll.
* P41 P40 Types of Area Scroll
* 0 0 Center Screen Scroll
* 0 1 Top Screen Scroll
* 1 0 Bottom Screen Scroll
* 1 1 Whole Screen Scroll
* Type of area scroll = Whole Screen Scroll (POR)
#define SSD1848_SET_AREA_SCROLL 0xAA
* X5X4X3X2X1X0 specify the start row address
* of area scrolling.
* Start block address = 00000000b (POR)
#define SSD1848_SCROLL_START 0xAB
* Enter the "read display data mode" by executing
* the command 01011101b. The next byte is a
* dummy data. The GDDRAM data will be read
* form the second byte. The GDDRAM column
* address pointer will be increased by one
* automatically after each 2-bytes data read.
#define SSD1848_READ_DISP_DATA 0x5D
#endif /* _SSD1848_H */