void* <spanclass="arg">buff</span>, <spanclass="c">/* [OUT] Buffer to store read data */</span>
UINT <spanclass="arg">btr</span>, <spanclass="c">/* [IN] Number of bytes to read */</span>
UINT* <spanclass="arg">br</span><spanclass="c">/* [OUT] Number of bytes read */</span>
<divclass="para arg">
<dd>Pointer to the open file object.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the buffer to store read data.</dd>
<dd>Number of bytes to read in range of <tt>UINT</tt> type.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the <tt>UINT</tt> variable to return number of bytes read. The value is always valid after the function call regardless of the result.</dd>
<divclass="para ret">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<divclass="para desc">
<p>The file read/write pointer of the file object advances number of bytes read. After the function succeeded, <ttclass="arg">*br</tt> should be checked to detect end of the file. In case of <ttclass="arg">*br</tt> is less than <ttclass="arg">btr</tt>, it means the read/write pointer reached end of the file during read operation.</p>