#define GINPUT_KEYBOARD_NUM_PORTS 1 // The total number of keyboard inputs
// Event types for various ginput sources
GEventTypetype;// The type of this event (GEVENT_KEYBOARD)
uint16_tinstance;// The keyboard instance
charc;// The Ascii code for the current key press.
// The only possible values are 0(NUL), 8(BS), 9(TAB), 13(CR), 27(ESC), 32(SPACE) to 126(~), 127(DEL)
// 0 indicates an extended only key.
uint16_tcode;// An extended keyboard code. Codes less than 128 match their ascii equivelent.
#define GKEY_NULL 0
#define GKEY_TAB 9
#define GKEY_CR 13
#define GKEY_ESC 27
#define GKEY_SPACE 32
#define GKEY_DEL 127
#define GKEY_UP 0x0101
#define GKEY_DOWN 0x0102
#define GKEY_LEFT 0x0103
#define GKEY_RIGHT 0x0104
#define GKEY_HOME 0x0105
#define GKEY_END 0x0106
#define GKEY_PAGEUP 0x0107
#define GKEY_PAGEDOWN 0x0108
#define GKEY_INSERT 0x0109
#define GKEY_DELETE 0x010A
#define GKEY_SHIFT 0x0201
#define GKEY_CNTRL 0x0202
#define GKEY_ALT 0x0203
#define GKEY_WINKEY 0x0204
#define GKEY_RCLKEY 0x0205
#define GKEY_FNKEY 0x0206
#define GKEY_FN1 0x0301
#define GKEY_FN2 0x0302
#define GKEY_FN3 0x0303
#define GKEY_FN4 0x0304
#define GKEY_FN5 0x0305
#define GKEY_FN6 0x0306
#define GKEY_FN7 0x0307
#define GKEY_FN8 0x0308
#define GKEY_FN9 0x0309
#define GKEY_FN10 0x030A
#define GKEY_FN11 0x030B
#define GKEY_FN12 0x030C
uint16_tcurrent_buttons;// A bit is set to indicate various meta status.
#define GMETA_KEY_DOWN 0x0001
#define GMETA_KEY_SHIFT 0x0002
#define GMETA_KEY_CNTRL 0x0004
#define GMETA_KEY_ALT 0x0008
#define GMETA_KEY_WINKEY 0x0010
#define GMETA_KEY_RCLKKEY 0x0020
#define GMETA_KEY_FN 0x0040
uint16_tlast_buttons;// The value of current_buttons on the last event
// Keyboard Listen Flags - passed to geventAddSourceToListener()
#define GLISTEN_KEYREPEATS 0x0001 // Return key repeats (where the key is held down to get a repeat character)
#define GLISTEN_KEYCODES 0x0002 // Return all key presses including extended code key presses (not just ascii codes)
#define GLISTEN_KEYALL 0x0004 // Return keyup's, keydown's and everything in between (but not repeats unless GLISTEN_KEYREPEATS is set).
#define GLISTEN_KEYSINGLE 0x8000 // Return only when one particular extended code key is pressed or released. The particular extended code is OR'd into this value