<p>The <tt>f_sync</tt> function performs the same process as <tt>f_close</tt> function but the file is left opened and can continue read/write/seek operations to the file. This is suitable for the applications that open files for a long time in write mode, such as data logger. Performing <tt>f_sync</tt> function of periodic or immediataly after <tt>f_write</tt> function can minimize the risk of data loss due to a sudden blackout or an unintentional media removal. For more information, refer to <ahref="appnote.html#critical">application note</a>.</p>
<p>However there is no sense in <tt>f_sync</tt> function immediataly before <tt>f_close</tt> function because it performs <tt>f_sync</tt> function in it. In other words, the differnce between those functions is that the file object is invalidated or not.</p>