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* This file is subject to the terms of the GFX License. If a copy of
* the license was not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at:
* @file src/gos/gos_freertos.h
* @brief GOS - Operating System Support header file for FreeRTOS.
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "FreeRTOSConfig.h"
#include "semphr.h"
#include "task.h"
/* Type definitions */
#define gDelayNone 0
#define gDelayForever ((gDelay)-1)
typedef uint32_t gDelay;
typedef portTickType gTicks;
typedef int32_t gSemcount;
typedef void gThreadreturn;
typedef portBASE_TYPE gThreadpriority;
#define MAX_SEMAPHORE_COUNT ((gSemcount)(((unsigned long)((gSemcount)(-1))) >> 1))
#define gThreadpriorityLow 0
#define gThreadpriorityNormal configMAX_PRIORITIES/2
#define gThreadpriorityHigh configMAX_PRIORITIES-1
/* FreeRTOS will allocate the stack when creating the thread */
#define DECLARE_THREAD_STACK(name, sz) uint8_t name[1]
#define DECLARE_THREAD_FUNCTION(fnName, param) gThreadreturn fnName(void *param)
#define THREAD_RETURN(retval)
typedef xSemaphoreHandle gfxSem;
typedef xSemaphoreHandle gfxMutex;
typedef xTaskHandle gThread;
/* Function declarations. */
#define gfxHalt(msg) {while(1);}
#define gfxExit() {while(1);}
#define gfxAlloc(sz) pvPortMalloc(sz)
#define gfxFree(ptr) vPortFree(ptr)
#define gfxYield() taskYIELD()
#define gfxSystemTicks() xTaskGetTickCount()
#define gfxMillisecondsToTicks(ms) ((gTicks)((ms) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS))
#define gfxSystemLock() taskENTER_CRITICAL()
#define gfxSystemUnlock() taskEXIT_CRITICAL()
void gfxMutexInit(gfxMutex* s);
#define gfxMutexDestroy(pmutex) vSemaphoreDelete(*(pmutex))
#define gfxMutexEnter(pmutex) xSemaphoreTake(*(pmutex),portMAX_DELAY)
#define gfxMutexExit(pmutex) xSemaphoreGive(*(pmutex))
void *gfxRealloc(void *ptr, size_t oldsz, size_t newsz);
void gfxSleepMilliseconds(gDelay ms);
void gfxSleepMicroseconds(gDelay ms);
void gfxSemInit(gfxSem* psem, gSemcount val, gSemcount limit);
#define gfxSemDestroy(psem) vSemaphoreDelete(*(psem))
gBool gfxSemWait(gfxSem* psem, gDelay ms);
gBool gfxSemWaitI(gfxSem* psem);
void gfxSemSignal(gfxSem* psem);
void gfxSemSignalI(gfxSem* psem);
gThread gfxThreadCreate(void *stackarea, size_t stacksz, gThreadpriority prio, DECLARE_THREAD_FUNCTION((*fn),p), void *param);
#define gfxThreadMe() xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle()
#if INCLUDE_eTaskGetState == 1
gThreadreturn gfxThreadWait(gThread thread);
#define gfxThreadClose(thread)
#endif /* GFX_USE_OS_FREERTOS */
#endif /* _GOS_CHIBIOS_H */