New gdisp driver (currently non-accelerated) Mouse and other drivers still to come. The board file is currently ChibiOS specific however the gdisp driver is suitable for any OS.
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# This is a script file for OpenOCD 0.7.0
# It is set up for the Mikromedia-STM32M4 board using the ST-Link JTAG adaptor.
# Assuming the current directory is your project directory containing this openocd.cfg file...
# To program your device:
# openocd -f openocd.cfg -c "Burn yourfile.bin" -c shutdown
# To debug your device:
# openocd
# (This will run openocd in gdb server debug mode. Leave it running in the background)
# gdb yourfile.elf
# (To start gdb. Then run the following commands in gdb...)
# target remote
# monitor Debug
# stepi
# (This last stepi resynchronizes gdb).
# If you want to reprogram from within gdb:
# monitor Burn yourfile.bin
echo ""
echo "##### Loading debugger..."
source [find interface/stlink-v2.cfg]
echo ""
echo "##### Loading CPU..."
source [find target/stm32f4x_stlink.cfg]
echo ""
echo "##### Configuring..."
reset_config srst_only srst_nogate
#cortex_m maskisr (auto|on|off)
#cortex_m vector_catch [all|none|list]
#cortex_m reset_config (srst|sysresetreq|vectreset)
#gdb_breakpoint_override hard
proc Debug { } {
echo ""
echo "##### Debug Session Connected..."
reset init
echo "Ready..."
proc Burn {file} {
echo ""
echo "##### Burning $file to device..."
# Due to an issue with the combination of the ST-Link adapters and OpenOCD
# applying the stm32f2x unlock 0 command actaully applies read protection - VERY BAD!
# If this happens to you - use the ST-Link utility to set the option byte back to normal.
# If you are using a different debugger eg a FT2232 based adapter you can uncomment the line below.
#stm32f2x unlock 0
flash protect 0 0 last off
reset init
flash write_image erase $file 0x08000000
verify_image $file 0x0
#flash protect 0 0 last on
echo "Burning Complete!"
echo ""
echo "##### Leaving Configuration Mode..."
reset init
flash probe 0
flash banks
#flash info 0
echo ""
echo "##### Waiting for debug connections..."