
809 B


To use this driver:

  1. Add in your gfxconf.h: a) #define GFX_USE_GDISP GFXON

  2. To your makefile add the following lines:

	include $(GFXLIB)/
	include $(GFXLIB)/drivers/gdisp/STM32LTDC/
  1. Add a board_STM32LTDC.h to you project directory (or board directory) based on one of the templates.

2nd layer

Two things need to happen in order to use the 2nd LTDC layer:

  • Set LTDC_USE_2ND_LAYER to GFXON in the board file.
  • Set GDISP_TOTAL_DISPLAYS to 2 in gfxconf.h.

The 2nd layer is exposed as a separate display. Use gdispGetDisplay() to retrieve the individual layers.

For more information, see: