Added GINPUT Dial support and a driver that uses GADC to read the dial.
Added support for Dial inputs to the GWIN slider.
Updated the slider demo for Dial Inputs.
Simplified the assigning of inputs to GWIN "widgets" button and slider.
Updated the demo's to match the new input to button assignment.
Images currently support Native and BMP (except RLE4,8 and 16 bit - due
to bugs)
Supports reading from Memory, BaseFileStream or real files (only on the
Win32 simulator).
Move gdisp_pictures demo to better refect its purpose.
Bug fixes for BMP RLE4,8 & 16 bit to come very soon
GIF support very soon.
Add polygon drawing
Add convex polygon filling
Start support for a monochrome display
Move gdisp doxygen to header file
Restructure the balance between gdisp.h and gdisp_lld.h
Remove old extern font definitions (now always use gdispOpenFont)
Make public the GDISP structure and change macros to suit (faster for
the application).
gdispQuery is now optional.
Add polygon drawing
Add convex polygon filling
Start support for a monochrome display
Move gdisp doxygen to header file
Restructure the balance between gdisp.h and gdisp_lld.h
Remove old extern font definitions (now always use gdispOpenFont)
Make public the GDISP structure and change macros to suit (faster for
the application).
gdispQuery is now optional.
Add GDISP font routines to Open and Close a font by name.
Allows wildcard searching for fonts.
Old global font variables are now only optionally included (soon to be
More demo fixing
Create global include file called gfx.h which knows about sub-system
Deprecate Touchscreen (GINPUT touch is now working properly)
Merge Graph into GWIN
Change directory structure to reflect sub-system structure
Many small bugs fixed
Split Nokia6610 gdisp driver into GE8 and GE12 controller versions
Fixed broken demos.
GFX sub-systems are now clearly defined and new ones should be much
easier to add.